Christians face persecution in more than 60 countries. Today, with persecution against Christians greater than ever before, we continue Richard Wurmbrand's mission to equip and support the persecuted church and act as their voice in the free world. Explore the different ways to get involved.


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Women in Pakistan

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A Sanctuary of Hope and Transformation for Christian Women in Pakistan

In Pakistan, Christian women, particularly those living in slums, face systemic discrimination and oppression. With limited access to education and economic opportun...

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The Silent Struggles of Christian Women in Pakistan

For many Christian women in Pakistan, venturing outside their homes is a risk. Persecution is not just an abstract concept—it is a daily reality. Persecution of Christ...

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INDONESIA: Small Business Grants for Muslim Background Believers

In Indonesia, Muslims pay a price for converting to Christianity. Even in cities (as persecution normally occurs in more rural areas), many Christian converts from Islam choose to attend churches outs...


Christians face persecution in more than 60 countries. Today, with persecution against Christians greater than ever before, we continue Richard Wurmbrand’s mission to equip and support the persecuted church and act as their voice in the free world. The map selected movements of Christians displaced by war and persecution.


german reformers

Remembering Martyrs: George Wagner

Only three matters separated Herr George Wagner from the normal life of good men. These three matters were the difference between life and death in Munich in the sixteenth century: a priest’s power to forgive sin, transubstantiation of the communion bread and wine, and water baptism as a rite that

Welcoming Strangers and Serving Enemies

Walking through a camp crowded with more than 24,000 displaced Sudanese, Morris is welcomed like a beloved uncle who hasn’t been seen in years. As women and children emerge from their tiny straw and stick homes, the pastor greets them warmly, telling them about upcoming aid distributions. Then, in


Bringing Dry Bones Back to Life

More than a decade has passed since Susan Ithungu was rescued from a dark, cramped closet where her father had locked her after his beatings failed to extinguish her faith in Christ. The abuse began at age 11, after she was baptised as a Christian. Her father beat her, threatened her life and fin