A legacy to Voice of the Martyrs Limited in the form of a bequest is a life-changing gift to members of God’s family who suffer persecution for following the Lord Jesus Christ. There are several ways to leave a gift to the persecuted church through Voice of the Martyrs Limited from your estate such as Bequests, Residuary, Pecuniary, Specific and Perpetual Trust. Your bequest will be a living testimony of your devotion to the persecuted body of Christ.
With the help of your bequest, the work of strengthening and equipping the persecuted church will continue. On behalf of the countless persecuted Christians who will benefit from your support, we say, “Thank you!”
Your gift will impact and change lives, now and in the future.
“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” Hebrews 13:3

If you do not have a Will, please obtain legal advice from a solicitor. If you already have a Will, you can choose to add Voice of the Martyrs Limited as a beneficiary through a codicil – a short legal amendment to your existing Will. Your solicitor can advise you on how to do this. Below are the various ways in which you can include Voice of the Martyrs Limited in your Will:
A residuary bequest is a gift of all or a percentage of what is left in the estate after specific gifts, taxes and debts have been fulfilled. Because it is not a specific amount, it maintains its value over time regardless of economic changes and automatically adjusts as the value of your estate fluctuates.
A pecuniary bequest is the gift of a set dollar amount determined at the time of making your Will.
A specific bequest is a gift of a particular item of property that can be used by Voice of the Martyrs Limited to generate funds, such as a home, shares or the proceeds of a named bank account.
Perpetual Trust
A gift through a Perpetual Trust. By making Voice of the Martyrs Limited the beneficiary of an endowment fund, you will provide long-term and ongoing support.

Your gift will be used at the discretion of the management team of Voice of the Martyrs Limited to achieve our long-term mission of serving the persecuted church. Your contribution will be placed in Voice of the Martyrs Limited’s secure interest-generating account and will be allocated as needed to the most important and urgent projects and programmes to support persecuted Christians.
No, 100% of gifts made through estate planning will be designated to international projects and programmes. As the most urgent needs are constantly changing, the specifics of this will be determined when the gift is received. This will ensure that your gift has the maximum impact for ministry to persecuted Christians.
Our legal name is: Voice of the Martyrs Limited. Our ABN is: 27 122 696 375.
Suggested wording for a bequest to Voice of the Martyrs is:
“To Voice of the Martyrs Limited, of 19 Cascade St, Lawson, New South Wales 2783 a legacy of $_____ to be applied for the general purposes of Voice of the Martyrs Limited and I declare that the receipt of the Director or other Public Officer of the Company shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executor and shall not be required to see the application thereof.”
It is important that you seek legal advice to ensure your gift is valid.
Yes. You don’t have to, but if you choose to name Voice of the Martyrs Limited as a beneficiary to your Will, we would greatly appreciate confirmation advice from you or your solicitor. Letting us know gives us the opportunity to thank you for making this special gift. It also ensures that we keep you updated with news and information about our programmes and projects. Telling us about your intentions does not legally or otherwise bind you should circumstances require a change in your plans.
We can help guide you through the process of what you need to do if you are unsure.
Please contact Voice of the Martyrs Australia.
Voice of the Martyrs
PO Box 1828
Penrith NSW 2751