BURKINA FASO: Pastor Murdered by Islamist Extremists

02 August 2023

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Hamidou felt the call of God to spread the gospel. So he left the safety of his home in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, to take the gospel to the northern part of his nation. Though radical Islamists are active in that region, he moved there with his family and planted a church.

On 15 May, Islamic extremists appeared at his home, located next to the church. When Pastor Hamidou saw the men, he fled into the church. The militants followed and shot him and two other men, killing them.

Front-line workers ask for prayer for the families of Pastor Hamidou and the other men as they grieve. They also ask for prayer that the extremists will come to know Christ and that these attacks will cease.


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    Pray for them

    Ask the Lord to help the loved ones of these men, through the trauma and grief they are suffering.

    Pray for the church members, that they will not give into fear. Ask the Lord to help them earnestly pray for and forgive those who are responsible.

    Pray that the Lord would be at work to bring change to the hearts of the perpetrators.

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