ETHIOPIA: Former Muslim Sheikh Sells Pineapples for Christ

13 September 2023

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Abdu grew up wanting to be an Islamic scholar, so he attended schools focusing solely on the Koran. After studying the Koran for 15 years, he became an Islamic teacher. But in 2022, he met an old friend who had become a follower of Christ.

The friend shared the gospel with Abdu on numerous occasions, and Abdu began to question his beliefs. Eventually, Abdu put his faith in Christ. His enthusiasm for teaching the Koran waned, and local Islamic leaders noticed. Eventually, they discovered that he and his wife had become Christians, and they immediately fired him. Abdu lost his income and his home and was not allowed to rent a house in the area.

He had no training or skills to help him get a job in the secular marketplace. Christian friends connected him with VOM, who helped him start a micro-business selling pineapples. Abdu often uses his new job to tell others about Christ, saying, “Jesus is as sweet as a pineapple”.


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    Pray for them

    Praise God for the way He is at work in Abdu’s life. Pray that He and his wife will grow in knowledge and faith.

    Pray Abdu’s love for the Lord and willingness to share the Good News, will be a spiritual blessing to many.

    Pray for the boldness and safety of front-line workers in hostile areas of the country.

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    3 responses to “ETHIOPIA: Former Muslim Sheikh Sells Pineapples for Christ”

    1. k and f says:

      Lord we lift up Chen Wensheng and his wife and the work they do for you in China. Lord please be with Chen Wensheng whilst he is in detention, and help his wife whilst he is away from her. Thank you for the work they do for you in ministering to many to help bring salvation to many. Lord continue to use them so others may be saved. Lord be with those who have already received salvation, and help them to grow in you.
      In your mighty name we pray

    2. k and F says:

      Lord only you can build your church and make disciples of those who do not know you. Lord please flood the nation of Morocco with your love ,peace ,joy, strength, and may your Word be preached in Spirit and Truth, so many can get saved. Lord please provide the workers needed to get your gospel preached, and Lord protect them from the enemy who wants your Work stopped.

      In your precious name we pray.

    3. K and F says:

      Lord how tragic. Every time we read about Nigerian Christians and all they have to endure, it’s always bad and always shocking. Satan works overtime through his people in this country to try and destroy the lives of these christians.. Lord please protect them and convict those who are doing these killings, so they can repent and stop with this evil. In your mighty name we pray

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