Your Gifts Made an Impact in 2023

01 April 2024

VOM Mission Statement
Serving persecuted Christians with practical and spiritual assistance and leading Christians in the free world into fellowship with persecuted believers.

Our Core Ministry Funds

Families of Martyrs
We provide help for those who have suffered persecution themselves and for the families of martyrs or prisoners. Such help assists in the immediate aftermath of a persecution event and in meeting ongoing or long-term needs. Assistance includes living expenses, prison visitation trips, education and orphanages for children, microbusinesses, training programmes and safe houses for Christians whose lives are in danger.

Bibles and Literature
This fund helps VOM print and distribute Bibles to believers who reside in restricted nations, where Bibles are difficult to obtain. This includes producing New Testaments and complete Bibles in both print and digital formats as well as Bible commentaries, and inspirational Christian training material.

Front Line Ministry
This fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility and persecution. It provides evangelism and church resources, computers, transportation, small business equipment, and support for underground Bible colleges, leadership training and pastor support programmes.

VOM Ministry Fund
This fund supports the Australian and overseas ministry activities and initiatives to raise awareness about the persecuted church. It is also used to fund project shortfalls and emergency projects for persecuted Christians.

You can choose to direct your gift to Families of Martyrs, Bibles and Literature, Front Line Ministry or VOMedical and 100% of your donation will contribute to supporting projects in the field. Alternatively, you can choose to support the VOM Ministry Fund to be used where most needed.

VOM’s international projects are overseen by our local contacts or are achieved in cooperation with partner ministries. The following select examples have been chosen to provide an overview of how Voice of the Martyrs encouraged and assisted persecuted Christians with the help of our supporters in 2023. Several of these projects are being repeated in 2024.

Families of Martyrs

Persecution response: Vietnam
Persecution in Vietnam, particularly in rural areas is increasing. In 2023 we received more requests for help from our front-line workers than ever before. Christians are specifically targeted by local authorities for gathering without permission and preaching the gospel ‘illegally’, although persecution may also come from family and community. We were able to provide financial assistance to many families and individuals who faced severe discrimination, physical attack, property damage and land confiscation.

“I was ambushed and physically attacked. They used a large wooden stick to hit me on my head and my body. I could not do anything but pray and ask God to help me. Praise the Lord, He has used you to provide me money to have timely treatment.” Pastor Duy

Aid to Christian prisoners: Vietnam, Indonesia
Christians who face detention for their faith in Christ often have particular needs while either in prison or upon their release, including provision for their families, legal representation and medical care.

“I became a source of inspiration for fellow prisoners. I lead prayer groups, sharing about the love and hope that can be found in the gospel, creating unity among isolated people. Even though I was separated from the outside world, I still carried the light of truth in prison. Finally, the day of my release arrived. I felt the long-awaited freedom. The light of love illuminates the journey out of darkness. The help of God felt so real.

“VOM provided not only support for my legal process but also helped my family to get through that difficult time. VOM really helped me and my family starting from the beginning of my detention until I was released from prison. May God bless VOM and I hope you can help other persecuted Christians who experience challenges like me in preaching the gospel.”

Brother Arif, a former Muslim turned evangelist, who was detained for eight months in Indonesia for his role in “enticing Muslims to convert to another religion and harming the Muslim community”.

Bibles and Literature

Replacement of Bibles: Pakistan
In August 2023, violent anti-Christian riots erupted in Jaranwala after two young Christians were accused of blasphemy. A mob of 5,000 Muslims burned 89 homes, and 25 churches in Christian neighbourhoods. Though the Pakistani government provided some funding for the families most severely affected, many more families affected did not receive any help. Our front-line workers provided food, kitchen utensils, blankets, hygiene items, sewing machines and, most importantly, Bibles.

“Following the incident, we only managed to recover one partially burned Bible, which we utilised for our Bible study sessions. Today, each one of us has received a new Bible. We are overwhelmed by God’s love; He cares even for our small, everyday needs.” Youth group boys

Bibles and Bibles Plus distribution: Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran restricts all access to God’s Word. But despite great risk, Iranian believers are sharing the gospel with unprecedented boldness. VOM partners are actively involved in smuggling God’s Word to believers inside Iran. Since they are so difficult to obtain, Bibles are treasured by Iranian believers. Bibles Plus packs were distributed to Christian families who have been struggling financially due to job losses and discrimination for their faith in Christ. The packs included a Bible, Story of Jesus booklet, rice, oil, canned fish, spices, lentils, bread, vitamins and a gift of chocolate.

“Bibles Plus is an incredible outreach that provides much-needed items and a Bible. This shows the support of fellow Christians from around the world and that they are not forgotten.” Project overseer, Iran

Front Line Ministry

VOMedical Bikes for pastors: India, Philippines, Vietnam
One of the challenges that our front-line workers face in their ministry work is the lack of adequate transportation to visit remote villages, to minister to church members and proclaim the gospel. Many of them must walk for hours or rely on public transport which is often unreliable or expensive.

Bicycles or motorbikes are a simple but practical solution that can make a big difference in their lives and ministry. We supplied 30 bicycles and 16 motorbikes for front-line workers to help them travel to nearby villages and share the gospel with more people. The pastors expressed their gratitude and joy for this opportunity to spread the Word of God.

“I’d like to offer my thanksgiving to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to go out and share the gospel. Praise the Lord, using my old bike, I have had a chance to go to many different places though I have to travel a long distance with rough terrain. My bike broke down, but I did not stop and travelled by foot to where I needed to go and stayed overnight and went through many difficulties. Thanks be to God for answered prayers and that you have sent money for me to buy a new bike. I was really touched and praised God for this. I also want to say thank you so much for your help.” Pastor Dai, Vietnam

Support for front-line workers: Brunei, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Ukraine

Persecution is often coupled with poverty. Providing an allowance for pastors in persecuted areas helps them to support themselves and their families. This releases them for ministry work in hostile areas, including sharing the gospel, church planting and caring for persecuted believers. Voice of the Martyrs supplied and continues to supply, a monthly allowance to pastors in several nations.

“Not only do we face persecution but spiritual warfare, but the Lord is greater than all. Not many Christians and churches want to walk with us because they are afraid of persecution. Sometimes we feel alone but we thank God for VOM, who walks with us and stands with us. Your prayers and support really help us to do more. We will never give up on serving the Lord and the people, especially Muslims and tribal people. We cannot turn back because we are already near to the great harvest. The allowance that you give to me is a tremendous help. Your support means a lot to us. Thank you very much, we love and honour you guys.” Front-line worker, Muslim nation in Asia


Medical care for impoverished and persecuted Christians: Pakistan
Many Christians in Pakistan suffer discrimination in education and employment and so end up working poorly paid menial jobs. Each year we sponsor medical clinics to help treat both chronic and acute illnesses such as preventable blindness, infections and nutritional deficiencies.

Last year we funded medical consultation and treatment for 1,500 women and 1,000 children in 30 villages and Christian villages in the provinces of Sindh and Punjab. We also provided eye screening for 880 Christian men and women over 60. Operations were performed on patients who were suffering from cataracts, glaucoma, trachoma and pterygia.

“We saw very poor patients. Because of the current [economic] situation in Pakistan, they hardly have enough for a single meal, let alone their medical treatment. People are thankful to VOM for funding the medical camps. We tell them about VOM ministry all over the world.” Head doctor

Mobile medical clinics: Egypt
Each year we fund mobile medical clinics in Egypt. In 2023, five clinics were run in different villages in Upper Egypt and Alexandria. The clinics have two objectives: Firstly to provide medical care for persecuted Christians, especially Muslim background believers, who face discrimination and targeted violence. Secondly, they are used as an outreach to Muslims. Ten Christian doctors with various specialities volunteered their services to provide medical examinations and treatment as required, to 815 patients. The doctors pray with the patients, and those interested in knowing more are asked to provide their contact details. The details are then given to a VOM front-line worker for follow-up.

“I’m very happy with such medical mobile clinics; you are very organised, and what I’m very happy with, is that your goal is to use this medical service as an opportunity to share the Good News with the patients. I’m happy to join you every year and whenever you organise this ministry, please invite me.” First-time team doctor

Distribution of Funds 2023

Resource allocation

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