NIGERIA: Four Christians Killed in Benue State

16 October 2024

Source: Morning Star News

Fulani herdsmen killed two Christians in central Nigeria’s Benue State on Wednesday 9 October and two others in another part of the state on 3 October, local sources said.

On 9 October herdsman in northeastern Benue State attacked the village of Ayilamo, killing university student Solomon Kwanta and another Christian, sources said. Many more Christians were injured during the attack and were being treated at the Primary Health Care Centre in Ayilamo.

Tyongi Emmanuel, a village resident, said the situation was dire. He said, “Everyone here is on the run, as we have all been displaced.”

Another villager Tsavsar Msughaondo told sources, “Fulani herdsmen have taken over our ancestral lands; we are therefore calling on the Nigerian government to quickly intervene here in the Ayilamo area of Benue State in order to end these unprovoked attacks on us.”

On 3 October herdsmen in Kwande County in the southeastern part of the state killed two Christians in Tse Wende, villagers reported.

Fabian Terseer identified the slain Christians as Terwse Azege and Orseer Kende.

“Attacks by armed Fulani herders have become a common occurrence here,” Terseer said. “Unfortunately, media organisations have not given these incidents adequate coverage. The sad thing too is that the Nigerian government has not deemed it necessary to take steps towards ending these attacks on our communities. For how long are we expected to endure these killing epidemics?”

Christian leaders in Nigeria have said they believe herdsmen attacks on Christian communities in Nigeria’s Middle Belt are inspired by their desire to forcefully take over Christians’ lands and impose Islam as desertification has made it difficult for them to sustain their herds.


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    Pray for them

    Pray for the families of these recent attacks as they mourn the loss of their loved ones and await the healing of the many injured. Ask the Lord to comfort them at this difficult time.

    Pray for believers in Nigeria, asking God to provide divine protection for them. Pray that God would frustrate the plans of those seeking to harm our Christian brothers and sisters.

    Pray for Nigeria. Ask God to convict the hearts of their leaders and government, that their inaction would turn to action, calling for a stop to these endless attacks on Christians in Nigeria.

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