CHINA: Preacher Chang Hao and Pastor John Cao Arrested

22 October 2024

Source: ChinaAid

The church pastored by Chang Hao had over ten new Christians who needed baptism. Out of respect for church tradition, Chang Hao, considering himself a preacher not yet ordained as a pastor, believed the baptism ceremony should be conducted by an ordained pastor. Thus, Chang Hao invited Pastor John Cao to perform the baptism for these new believers. On 15 October, Pastor John Cao explained Acts 2:28 to 13 new believers and baptised them. Thirty church members also attended the gathering. Most attendees were elderly, with an average age of over 70.

Just as Chang Hao announced the end of the baptism service, over 20 police officers burst into the meeting place, shouting and began searching everyone. When some elderly people were slightly slow to respond, the police shouted at them. An 89-year-old sister told them, “We are Christians having a peaceful gathering. We haven’t broken any laws.” Before she could finish, the police yelled at her.

Afterwards, the police took all attendees to the Zhenxiong County Public Security Bureau. As each believer walked towards the police vehicles, they were flanked by officers to prevent communication. There were over ten police cars and several special police vans.

At the police station, these elderly and frail believers were left in a corner. From morning until night, only after repeated requests were they provided with a cup of water and a piece of bread. Many of these believers struggled to endure the physical hardship.

Around midnight, after completing their statements, the believers were released one by one. The main focus of the questioning was on two points: who informed them about the gathering, and who preached and performed the baptisms. Pastor John Cao was released at midnight after completing his statement, while Chang Hao was given a 12-day punishment for illegal religious gatherings.

Meanwhile, the police destroyed the meeting place, smashing the projector and confiscating the church’s Bible and other equipment.

Police from the Changsha Public Security Bureau escorted Pastor John Cao back to Changsha.

Chang Hao has been detained over 20 times, each time for the same reason: illegal evangelism.


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    Pray for them

    Praise God for the 13 new believers in China. Thank the Lord for their baptismal service and ask the Lord to strengthen them as they continue in faith, despite the present sufferings.

    Thank the Lord that most of the church members were released. Pray that the Lord would ensure the release of Hao.

    Thank the Lord for the continued spread of the gospel in China. Pray that many more would come to know Christ and that believers would make the most of every opportunity to share their faith.

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