VIETNAM: From the Field

22 January 2025

Woman walking by the train track in Vietnam

Source: VOM Contacts

With new leadership and new laws in Vietnam, uncompromising Christians are facing many more challenges to following Christ. Please remember them in your prayers. Despite the bad weather, difficulties, hardships and persecution, our front-line workers are still working tirelessly to spread the gospel.

Our main front-line worker has requested prayer for the following issues:

1. Brother Vihn and his family live in one of the villages where no Christians are allowed. His family, however, came to know Christ and are following Him. As a result, they are always under surveillance. When he was not home, two local officers came and questioned his wife. Before she could say anything, they used wooden sticks to attack her and it resulted in them injuring her left arm and breaking her right tibia.

2. Hanh’s husband’s gospel sharing ministry was made known to local authorities. It has been several days since he was summoned for interrogation. He has not returned home and there is still no news from him.

3. The wife of an evangelist reported that a few days ago, while her husband was not home, local authorities and thugs broke into their house, destroyed their belongings and then threatened her before they left.

4. Please also remember Brother Huy’s family. Last week, while he was away from home after a trip to share the gospel, he and his team got stopped by police officers and thugs. They were questioned whether they were going to evangelise illegally. Before they could give an answer, the officers attacked Huy and when he fell on the ground, they continued to beat him brutally. He died on the way to the hospital.


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    Pray for them

    Ask God to bring healing to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual scars left by these horrendous attacks. Pray that these believers would find their comfort and strength in Christ and that their family in Christ around them would bring God’s peace to their burdened hearts and bodies.

    Ask the Lord to give the persecuted Christians in Vietnam perseverance as they suffer many trials. Pray that God would draw them to Himself and renew their strength.

    Thank the Lord for the growing church in Vietnam, asking Him to continue expanding His territory in this restricted nation.

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