Harvey Church of Christ
“Recently Joshua Brown from Voice of the Martyrs gave our congregation at Harvey Church of Christ a presentation of the work and ministry of Voice of the Martyrs in various parts of the world where our Christian brethren are suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ.
“The presentation with accompanying images, was excellent. It was clear and precise with pertinent information. Joshua preached from various scriptures with a clear and authoritative voice.
“Our congregation enjoyed Joshua’s presentation immensely. After the service, Joshua had various resources available and readily answered the many questions put to him by interested people.
“Joshua is a very engaging and affable young man, whose love of, and relationship with the Lord is clearly shown.
“I would not hesitate in recommending Joshua Brown to give his presentation at any future opportunity.”
Kerry Scott, Board Co-Chair

Hillside Church
“Many thanks for your recent visit to Hillside Church. We were very blessed to hear about the work of VOM and appreciate your heart for the persecuted church around the world.
“VOM is doing such an amazing work at the coalface, advancing the kingdom with the world’s most afflicted Christians, at great risk to themselves in some cases. You managed to tie this in beautifully with your sermon – we were all very challenged by it and many people saw their brothers and sisters in a new light.
“We are so blessed here in Perth, so to be stretched is always a good thing for us with conviction to potentially ‘do something’ to help. I particularly loved the personal heart for the gospel and keeping its purity, with a passion to both live it out and share it.
“We look forward to keeping the relationship going at Hillside and would be more than happy to recommend the ministry to anyone considering having you at their church. May the lord richly bless you in 2024 and beyond.”
Wayne Manoni, Lead Pastor

Covenant Baptist Church Rossmoyne
“The message in our morning service was from the heart, was firmly based on God’s Word, and was well received by the entire congregation. Later, the VOM representative spoke with our young people and showed them the film Tortured for Christ. The ministry was well received, and the young people are looking forward to meeting up again in the near future. May the Lord Jesus richly bless VOM’s ministry to assist our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.”
Greg Fleming, Treasurer

Ellenbrook Baptist Church
“The work of Voice of the Martyrs is vital, not just in supporting persecuted Christians around the world, but in connecting local churches – which often suffer from complacency and passivity – with brothers and sisters in Christ for whom a vital, transformative faith makes all the difference. Partnering with Voice of the Martyrs is a great opportunity to invest in both the missional work of God and our own discipleship.”
Rick Fletcher, Lead Pastor

Beaudesert Baptist Church
“It was a blessing to have Greg from VOM come and share at our church. The resources he provided were outstanding and a blessing to many of our church members. It was also insightful to hear about where the persecuted church is currently at, especially in the South East Asia region.”
Jase, Church Admin

Acacia Ridge Presbyterian Church
“ARPC received Greg from Voice of the Martyrs with great joy in our Sunday service, hearing the Lord’s work in and through VOM in many places in the world, and most recently as Greg shared with us from his trip to Vietnam. Greg was down to earth and engaging, our congregants found him approachable and easy to chat with after church, we would be very happy to be encouraged by Greg again in the future.”
Pastor Weber, Senior Pastor

St David's Presbyterian Church
“Greg Guerrero came to our congregation, St David’s Presbyterian Church in North Toowoomba, and gave an excellent presentation on the work of Voice of the Martyrs. He highlighted the plight of our Christian brothers and sisters in North Vietnam, and the effort of Voice of the Martyrs in supporting them. Afterwards he offered complimentary literature in the hall. We greatly the appreciated the warmth and sincerity with which Greg highlighted the plight of the persecuted brethren. This was evidenced by the many members who spoke with him, received books etc, and made a donation to this wonderful ministry. We thank Greg, and VOM for the work you do in Christ’s precious name.”
Rev Phil Daffy, Pastor

Toowoomba Community Baptist Church
“Thank you for your presentation of Voice of the Martyrs in the Sunday morning service at Toowoomba Community Baptist Church. You spoke well in the time allocated to you as you shared about the ministry and we enjoyed hearing about your recent personal engagement with persecuted Christians in Vietnam. I am pleased to hear that a number of congregants chatted with you after the service. May the Lord continue to use you around SE QLD and beyond and we will continue to uphold you in prayer.”
Pieter Henning, Senior Pastor

Surfers Paradise Anglican Church
“We enthusiastically stand alongside Voice of the Martyrs as a crucial ally in our missional efforts at the Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit in Surfers Paradise. Their unwavering commitment to supporting persecuted Christians worldwide, especially in regions hostile to the gospel, is invaluable. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting Greg from Voice of the Martyrs at our church, and it was truly enlightening. Greg’s extensive knowledge, and the poignant footage he shared, provided us with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by our persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It reinforced our resolve to stand firm in our faith. I wholeheartedly recommend engaging with Voice of the Martyrs and inviting them to address your congregation. You will be profoundly enriched by the experience.”
Rev’d Jim Raistrick, Priest in Charge

Faith Community Church, Buderim
“Each Sunday our church mentions the persecuted church as part of our pastoral concerns. Through the use of PowerPoint and personal stories in the videos, Greg developed our understanding of the extent of the persecution worldwide. He outlined the history of Voice of the Martyrs and the Biblical basis of their mission. Greg explained financial needs without being demanding. The VOM approach of providing complimentary resources while accepting donations resonated with the members of our church. On behalf of Faith Community Church, we thank Greg for his visit.”
Keith Cruickshank, Mission Coordinator

Minden Baptist Church
“Minden Baptist was privileged to have a VOM representative share in our service on Sunday 7 January. The information and stories of Christians suffering for their faith around the globe were both inspirational and motivational. Our congregation was encouraged to live more authentically for Christ in our context and to support those undergoing intense persecution in other contexts through prayer and giving. I recommend a visit from VOM to any church wanting to know more about our brothers and sisters enduring persecution around the world and how they can help.”
Rev Bruce Eckersley, Senior Pastor

New Heart Baptist
“Voice of the Martyrs is outstanding! The presentation is informative and inviting. The heart and passion is for Jesus Christ, His followers and God’s Kingdom; stirring and warming hearts with God’s love.”
Brad Gardiner, Associate Pastor

Village Avenue Community Church
“Our church was blessed to have a VOM representative come and share stories of persecuted believers, the work of VOM and from God’s Word. It was a great reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters in chains around the world. We were deeply moved as a church body and what was shared has continued to be a topic of conversation even weeks after the visit. We look forward to hearing from VOM in the future and will continue to make the persecuted church a matter of prayer and action.”
Pastor Mike Deane

Tenthill Baptist Church
“As we live our comfortable Western lives with cars, air conditioning, peace, and comfort, it is easy to forget that not all Christians throughout the world experience the same thing. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reminds us to be praying for and supporting those throughout the world that are persecuted for the faith.”
Dale Buchanan, Senior Pastor

Oxley Uniting Church
“WOW – what an eye-opening encounter with Voices of the Martyrs at both our Sunday services. We, in our relatively comfy church settings, can learn a lot from those of our brothers and sisters who live daily under constant and highly volatile threats to their faith and indeed their lives. Every church in the West needs to hear about the struggles, but also the lessons and challenges from the persecuted church. If you haven’t yet experienced the heart and passion of God’s agents in this field – you need to! I, and we, were certainly moved beyond words.”
Reverend Dave Thomas

Beaudesert Baptist Church
“We were blessed to recently have VOM share in our Sunday service. The presentation was informative, engaging and personally challenging. On a subsequent Sunday evening, we showed the Sabina film. What a powerful story! I would strongly encourage you to consider having VOM share about those who suffer for the sake of Christ.”
Pastor Josh Cocks

Agnes Water Baptist Church
“A VOM representative came and spoke to our church about the persecuted church in a way that really opened the eyes of our people to the need of Christ’s church worldwide. The impact of his talk and the Sabina movie night we held is hard to overstate and will be felt for years to come. If your church is looking for someone to partner with to take seriously Christ’s call to love and identify with those who are suffering, I heartily recommend getting in touch with Voice of the Martyrs.”
Dan Bassett, Lead Pastor

South Burnett Lutheran Parish
“We recently had a VOM representative come out and present the work of Voice of the Martyrs and their new film Sabina: Tortured for Christ, The Nazi Years in multiple congregations in our parish. The overwhelming feedback is that it was amazing! The movie was well produced and tells an incredible story. The presentation was captivating and challenging. We are excited to continue to partner with VOM and have VOM come back in the future!”
Pastor Jordan Bennett

Kingsthorpe Church of Christ
“When Voice of the Martyrs spoke at our church, we were challenged to think about what persecution is and how we can respond. Our people were blessed by the various resources made available and the stories shared of people faithfully suffering for Christ. I have no hesitation in commending VOM to any church that wants to know about what is happening to Christians globally, including the persecution of Christians who are imprisoned for their faith.”
Pastor Colin Christian

Gatton Church of Christ
“We had Voice of the Martyrs come and share about this vital ministry at our worship service. The VOM representative shared the sobering reality of what is going on throughout the world to our persecuted brothers and sisters. The message that VOM brings is not an easy one to hear, but it is important for everyone to be informed of what is really happening to all the believers who are suffering for their faith in Jesus. I encourage churches to allow VOM the opportunity to share this important message and support the ministry however they can.”
Pastor Steve Ruyters

Kingaroy Baptist Church
“We at the Kingaroy Baptist church want to thank you for your excellent presentation last Sunday. It was very informative and our heart was stirred to reach out to the persecuted church. We were also very touched that books concerning those persecuted were free to take. This will also I believe bring a greater understanding for us in reading of people’s testimonies of persecution. Thanks again. We have so appreciated your coming, and look forward to seeing you again next year.”
Carolyn Moseling, Elder

Gateway Presbyterian Church
“What a blessing it was to have Greg visit us, from VOM!
We were reminded that God is faithful and through VOM and by other means, God is providing care for those suffering for the sake of Christ. We were encouraged to ‘join with [the persecuted] in suffering, like good soldiers of Christ Jesus’ (2 Tim 2:3 paraphrased), whether that be by prayer or finance. Our family found a book on the VOM table called ‘Jesus Freaks’. We read the first short story the other night with our boys. It was very powerful, and has encouraged us even further to pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith. Thanks VOM for the reality check. We truly are fortunate in Australia to still have religious freedom.”
Pastor Luke Thomas and his wife, Adela

One Life Church
“The recent visit by Paul and Jah from VOM has certainly helped to improve our people’s understanding of the various challenges that our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ are facing. In addition to this, we have gained a more informed approach as to how we can direct our prayers towards their various areas of need. We were also made aware of the various ways in which VOM partners in assisting persecuted Christians, and the way in which we as a church and individuals can become involved.
The short film titled ‘One Ruler – The power of the persecuted church’ was played. This film was packed with powerful testimonies of the way in which God continues to faithfully answer His people’s prayers in seeing the gospel message preached, resulting in those far away from God being drawn near. We are most grateful for the work of VOM and look forward to continuing an on-going partnership.”
Ken Sauerbier, Senior Pastor

Central Mountains Baptist Church
“God stirred our hearts on that Sunday when VOM ministered to us. The VOM representative echoed the voices of our persecuted brothers and sisters in a way that we are encouraged to pray for them, support them and to not be ashamed of fellowshipping with Christ’s sufferings.”
Pastor Jan Digno

Green Valley Community Church
“VOM’s visit to our church at Green Valley was eye opening. These guys’ passion for the persecuted church is unreal. Thank you for waking us up to the reality that our brothers and sisters outside the Western church are still suffering and dying for Christ daily and for enabling us as a church to love and minister to them as Christ commands us. God bless you VOM team.”
Church Leadership

Belmore Church of Christ
“Thank you for sharing about how VOM is working and serving in difficult parts of the world. The clear and concise presentation made it easy for our multi-lingual and multi-cultural congregation to understand and support you and the mission with the ongoing work. Great work and our continued prayers for you and the VOM Team.”
Rajen, Church Elder

Canberra International Church, Macquarie ACT
“We had an opportunity to host a representative from Voice of the Martyrs, Australia. They gave us an unforgettable message from the persecuted believers around the world. It was challenging but uplifting, sad, yet hopeful to learn how the true believers in Jesus Christ hold onto their faith and grow whilst being persecuted. We had a lot to learn from them. We wish to thank them for making the effort to come to Canberra and share their powerful message. As a church, we bless them in their important work.”
Church Leadership

Fairfield Baptist Church
“Recently Fairfield Baptist Church received the visit of a VOM representative and we were greatly blessed on that day. Watching our brothers’ faithfulness and willingness to stand for Christ’s name in the midst of persecution was spiritually moving, and the message after that was compelling and challenging. May our God keep using VOM to help us to know and support our Christian families that are living in places where they are persecuted for being genuine followers of Christ.”
Pastor Ivan Haedo

Nowra Gospel Chapel
“It is always important, not only to actively remember the Lord in His passion and triumph but also those who are experiencing the fellowship of His sufferings in our day. Whenever we have had a visit from a representative of VOM, our hearts have been encouraged to walk in His steps, as the stories of present-day martyrs are shared, along with an appropriate challenge from the Word of God. We highly value this ministry.”
Warwick Stanfield, Elder

Westview Baptist Church Doonside
“It was a real blessing to have VOM join with us and to share about what the Lord has done in him, and what the Lord is continuing to do in the lives of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. It is a great reminder for us to pray and a challenge for us to live out our own faith here in Sydney.”
JJ Bomford, Lead Pastor

Haberfield Baptist Church
“The church attendees who were there were greatly impacted by the film which featured ultimate forgiveness in action: that of the murderers of Sabina’s family. The film is an immense testimony to that which God can do in the most unexpected people and is also highly entertaining. HBC is grateful to Voice of the Martyrs who presented the film, and made books, newsletters and items available for those present.”
Church Leadership

Doyalson Baptist Church
“The Doyalson Baptist Church family is continually impressed with the information Voice of the Martyrs has provided us, as we walk together under the guidance of our Lord and Saviour, assisting those who are under persecution.
“We have been blessed by the two presentations you have provided on the persecuted church worldwide and accept God’s call to assist in any way we can, both financially and in prayer. We are encouraged to learn how the persecuted church is a witnessing church. As you are aware our congregation is predominantly elderly, so the mission field for us is now primarily on our knees.
“You have clearly portrayed the plight of our persecuted brothers and sisters in countries where religious freedoms are actively suppressed, unlike here in Australia. Please rest assured of our continued support.”
John Corbett, Church Secretary

Jervis Bay Baptist Church
“Having VOM come to the church for a film presentation and to speak at our Sunday service, has impacted us as followers of Christ Jesus. We were confronted with the reality that there are brothers & sisters in Christ who have faced, and are still facing, terrible persecution for being a believer in Jesus. It challenged us to think about our own willingness to stand up for our faith and motivated us to see how we could help make a difference for those being persecuted. VOM has greatly blessed us as a church and I would encourage any church to take the opportunity to have them come to speak, you will be blessed.”
Pastor Bruce Spencer

Engadine Congregational Church
“I believe so deeply in missions and prayer for missions. I don’t really think there are enough church people who look outside into the world and see the distress and need for prayer that the people so desperately need.
“VOM is such a practical caring mission. Whilst money is needed to maintain the mission the emphasis was and is prayer. The sharing of resources and the way the VOM representative stayed to talk and encourage was so natural. I was truly encouraged in the Lord and to increase my prayer. Thank you VOM.”
Sue Wallace, Missions Committee

Living Stone Evangelical Free Church of Australia
“The VOM representative was brilliant in sharing with us many stories with genuineness and caring character. I would say that you would have no regrets about having VOM share at your church about the ministry and the persecuted church and why it’s important to support them!”
Christopher Fung, Youth Leader

Jannali Congregational Church
“Over the past two years, our church has been honoured to host Voice of the Martyrs three times.
Each visit has been a blessing, not only because of their fervour for the Lord but also their deep passion for supporting Christians worldwide. Voice of the Martyrs epitomises genuine, God-fearing individuals, demonstrating bravery in spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our congregation wholeheartedly endorses VOM. Keep shining, VOM.”
Pastor Michael Williams

Wollongong Baptist Church
“We really appreciated VOM joining us in July, helping our church to be inspired by the faith of believers who are persecuted overseas, and to renew our commitment to praying for brothers and sisters who are suffering for their trust in Christ. We watched the movie Tortured for Christ on the Saturday night and were encouraged by the VOM representative sharing from God’s Word at our services on the Sunday. It was a fruitful time for our church, and I highly recommend the ministry of Voice of the Martyrs.”
Pastor Rodney Bayley

New Lampton Baptist Church
“Our church was very blessed by VOM’s visit for IDOP (International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church) in November. Watching Tortured for Christ was a powerful and convicting reminder of what our brothers and sisters have endured as believers and the Lord’s grace in sustaining them, while what the VOM representative shared with us during the Sunday morning service highlighted the sort of persecution believers are subjected to right now in certain parts of the world. Voice of the Martyrs has an important and timely message for the church, especially in the prosperous West, today.”
Pastor Andrew Denzin

Jervis Bay Baptist Church
“Having VOM come to the church for a film presentation and to speak at our Sunday service, has impacted us as followers of Christ Jesus. We were confronted with the reality that there are brothers & sisters in Christ who have faced, and are still facing, terrible persecution for being a believer in Jesus. It challenged us to think about our own willingness to stand up for our faith, and motivated us to see how we could help make a difference for those being persecuted.
VOM has greatly blessed us as a church and I would encourage any church to take the opportunity to have them come to speak, you will be blessed.”
Pastor Bruce Spencer

Donvale Presbyterian Church
It was a great pleasure to have VOM come to speak about the spiritual and physical ministry to the persecuted church around the world. We were challenged to ‘remember’ (Heb 13:3) our brothers and sisters in prayer especially; these millions who are standing firm for Jesus Christ despite opposition and persecution, and even possible martyrdom. Thanks for your visit.
Leanne (on behalf of the Missions Team)

Maldon Baptist Church
“The VOM representative who came to our church was a passionate and gifted speaker who brings great insight into the life of those persecuted for their faith. I have no hesitation in recommending VOM to speak in your church or group.”
Pastor Gavin Alexander

Wheatland District Church
“I was so pleased last month when a VOM representative came to our church. A wealth of knowledge and passionate about the ministry, he inspired the church to give generously and buy in excess of 200 Bibles! As we learned about the persecuted church, we were reminded that while we can give financially, every day we can also pray specifically for different nations – so we’ve downloaded the VOM App. I would recommend any church to invite VOM to speak – well worth it!”
Lisa Woods

Seventh-day Adventist House Church
“Voice of the Martyrs has broadened our perspective of OUR role as Christians in today’s world. VOM has shown us what has happened and continues to happen to our brothers and sisters who stay anchored in their faith in Christ. We have been encouraged, inspired, and motivated to help materially where we can, and to remember those in need of our prayers. We would challenge all Christians to be involved in the mission of VOM not only for the Bible-commissioned work that they do, but also for the privilege of seeing God at work even in the darkest of circumstances – something which has strengthened our own faith.”
Sam & Becky, Church Leaders

The Branch Christian Church
“If your church has not experienced a visit from VOM then you are likely under-informed about the needs of the suffering church and how to pray for these dear sisters and brothers in Christ who are deprived and impoverished or imprisoned and suffering for their faith. VOM combines gospel-hearted love for the suffering church with gospel-driven action to alert the rest of us to their needs and show us how to pray and serve in response to the love of God. The presentation was inspirational and the resources they made available are excellent. Since the visit, I have been moved by God’s Spirit to uphold the suffering church almost every day in line with Hebrews 13:3, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” If prayer is the chief exercise of our faith, then an important part of our praying is to remember those who suffer for their faith. I thank God for the ministry of VOM.”
Pastor Steve Nicholson

Devonport Seventh-day Adventist Church
“VOM is a ministry that every church should take the opportunity to listen to. We in more privileged countries have the opportunity to uphold our Christian brothers and sisters in situations where they are persecuted for their faith. VOM appeals on their behalf. If you haven’t invited them already, I appeal to you to hear the voices of the martyrs around the world.”
David Leo, Pastor

Harvey Church of Christ
“Recently Joshua Brown from Voice of the Martyrs gave our congregation at Harvey Church of Christ a presentation of the work and ministry of Voice of the Martyrs in various parts of the world where our Christian brethren are suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ.
“The presentation with accompanying images, was excellent. It was clear and precise with pertinent information. Joshua preached from various scriptures with a clear and authoritative voice.
“Our congregation enjoyed Joshua’s presentation immensely. After the service, Joshua had various resources available and readily answered the many questions put to him by interested people.
“Joshua is a very engaging and affable young man, whose love of, and relationship with the Lord is clearly shown.
“I would not hesitate in recommending Joshua Brown to give his presentation at any future opportunity.”
Kerry Scott, Board Co-Chair

Hillside Church
“Many thanks for your recent visit to Hillside Church. We were very blessed to hear about the work of VOM and appreciate your heart for the persecuted church around the world.
“VOM is doing such an amazing work at the coalface, advancing the kingdom with the world’s most afflicted Christians, at great risk to themselves in some cases. You managed to tie this in beautifully with your sermon – we were all very challenged by it and many people saw their brothers and sisters in a new light.
“We are so blessed here in Perth, so to be stretched is always a good thing for us with conviction to potentially ‘do something’ to help. I particularly loved the personal heart for the gospel and keeping its purity, with a passion to both live it out and share it.
“We look forward to keeping the relationship going at Hillside and would be more than happy to recommend the ministry to anyone considering having you at their church. May the lord richly bless you in 2024 and beyond.”
Wayne Manoni, Lead Pastor

Covenant Baptist Church Rossmoyne
“The message in our morning service was from the heart, was firmly based on God’s Word, and was well received by the entire congregation. Later, the VOM representative spoke with our young people and showed them the film Tortured for Christ. The ministry was well received, and the young people are looking forward to meeting up again in the near future. May the Lord Jesus richly bless VOM’s ministry to assist our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.”
Greg Fleming, Treasurer

Ellenbrook Baptist Church
“The work of Voice of the Martyrs is vital, not just in supporting persecuted Christians around the world, but in connecting local churches – which often suffer from complacency and passivity – with brothers and sisters in Christ for whom a vital, transformative faith makes all the difference. Partnering with Voice of the Martyrs is a great opportunity to invest in both the missional work of God and our own discipleship.”
Rick Fletcher, Lead Pastor

Beaudesert Baptist Church
“It was a blessing to have Greg from VOM come and share at our church. The resources he provided were outstanding and a blessing to many of our church members. It was also insightful to hear about where the persecuted church is currently at, especially in the South East Asia region.”
Jase, Church Admin

Acacia Ridge Presbyterian Church
“ARPC received Greg from Voice of the Martyrs with great joy in our Sunday service, hearing the Lord’s work in and through VOM in many places in the world, and most recently as Greg shared with us from his trip to Vietnam. Greg was down to earth and engaging, our congregants found him approachable and easy to chat with after church, we would be very happy to be encouraged by Greg again in the future.”
Pastor Weber, Senior Pastor

St David's Presbyterian Church
“Greg Guerrero came to our congregation, St David’s Presbyterian Church in North Toowoomba, and gave an excellent presentation on the work of Voice of the Martyrs. He highlighted the plight of our Christian brothers and sisters in North Vietnam, and the effort of Voice of the Martyrs in supporting them. Afterwards he offered complimentary literature in the hall. We greatly the appreciated the warmth and sincerity with which Greg highlighted the plight of the persecuted brethren. This was evidenced by the many members who spoke with him, received books etc, and made a donation to this wonderful ministry. We thank Greg, and VOM for the work you do in Christ’s precious name.”
Rev Phil Daffy, Pastor

Toowoomba Community Baptist Church
“Thank you for your presentation of Voice of the Martyrs in the Sunday morning service at Toowoomba Community Baptist Church. You spoke well in the time allocated to you as you shared about the ministry and we enjoyed hearing about your recent personal engagement with persecuted Christians in Vietnam. I am pleased to hear that a number of congregants chatted with you after the service. May the Lord continue to use you around SE QLD and beyond and we will continue to uphold you in prayer.”
Pieter Henning, Senior Pastor

Surfers Paradise Anglican Church
“We enthusiastically stand alongside Voice of the Martyrs as a crucial ally in our missional efforts at the Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit in Surfers Paradise. Their unwavering commitment to supporting persecuted Christians worldwide, especially in regions hostile to the gospel, is invaluable. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting Greg from Voice of the Martyrs at our church, and it was truly enlightening. Greg’s extensive knowledge, and the poignant footage he shared, provided us with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by our persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It reinforced our resolve to stand firm in our faith. I wholeheartedly recommend engaging with Voice of the Martyrs and inviting them to address your congregation. You will be profoundly enriched by the experience.”
Rev’d Jim Raistrick, Priest in Charge

Faith Community Church, Buderim
“Each Sunday our church mentions the persecuted church as part of our pastoral concerns. Through the use of PowerPoint and personal stories in the videos, Greg developed our understanding of the extent of the persecution worldwide. He outlined the history of Voice of the Martyrs and the Biblical basis of their mission. Greg explained financial needs without being demanding. The VOM approach of providing complimentary resources while accepting donations resonated with the members of our church. On behalf of Faith Community Church, we thank Greg for his visit.”
Keith Cruickshank, Mission Coordinator

Minden Baptist Church
“Minden Baptist was privileged to have a VOM representative share in our service on Sunday 7 January. The information and stories of Christians suffering for their faith around the globe were both inspirational and motivational. Our congregation was encouraged to live more authentically for Christ in our context and to support those undergoing intense persecution in other contexts through prayer and giving. I recommend a visit from VOM to any church wanting to know more about our brothers and sisters enduring persecution around the world and how they can help.”
Rev Bruce Eckersley, Senior Pastor

New Heart Baptist
“Voice of the Martyrs is outstanding! The presentation is informative and inviting. The heart and passion is for Jesus Christ, His followers and God’s Kingdom; stirring and warming hearts with God’s love.”
Brad Gardiner, Associate Pastor

Village Avenue Community Church
“Our church was blessed to have a VOM representative come and share stories of persecuted believers, the work of VOM and from God’s Word. It was a great reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters in chains around the world. We were deeply moved as a church body and what was shared has continued to be a topic of conversation even weeks after the visit. We look forward to hearing from VOM in the future and will continue to make the persecuted church a matter of prayer and action.”
Pastor Mike Deane

Tenthill Baptist Church
“As we live our comfortable Western lives with cars, air conditioning, peace, and comfort, it is easy to forget that not all Christians throughout the world experience the same thing. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reminds us to be praying for and supporting those throughout the world that are persecuted for the faith.”
Dale Buchanan, Senior Pastor

Oxley Uniting Church
“WOW – what an eye-opening encounter with Voices of the Martyrs at both our Sunday services. We, in our relatively comfy church settings, can learn a lot from those of our brothers and sisters who live daily under constant and highly volatile threats to their faith and indeed their lives. Every church in the West needs to hear about the struggles, but also the lessons and challenges from the persecuted church. If you haven’t yet experienced the heart and passion of God’s agents in this field – you need to! I, and we, were certainly moved beyond words.”
Reverend Dave Thomas

Beaudesert Baptist Church
“We were blessed to recently have VOM share in our Sunday service. The presentation was informative, engaging and personally challenging. On a subsequent Sunday evening, we showed the Sabina film. What a powerful story! I would strongly encourage you to consider having VOM share about those who suffer for the sake of Christ.”
Pastor Josh Cocks

Agnes Water Baptist Church
“A VOM representative came and spoke to our church about the persecuted church in a way that really opened the eyes of our people to the need of Christ’s church worldwide. The impact of his talk and the Sabina movie night we held is hard to overstate and will be felt for years to come. If your church is looking for someone to partner with to take seriously Christ’s call to love and identify with those who are suffering, I heartily recommend getting in touch with Voice of the Martyrs.”
Dan Bassett, Lead Pastor

South Burnett Lutheran Parish
“We recently had a VOM representative come out and present the work of Voice of the Martyrs and their new film Sabina: Tortured for Christ, The Nazi Years in multiple congregations in our parish. The overwhelming feedback is that it was amazing! The movie was well produced and tells an incredible story. The presentation was captivating and challenging. We are excited to continue to partner with VOM and have VOM come back in the future!”
Pastor Jordan Bennett

Kingsthorpe Church of Christ
“When Voice of the Martyrs spoke at our church, we were challenged to think about what persecution is and how we can respond. Our people were blessed by the various resources made available and the stories shared of people faithfully suffering for Christ. I have no hesitation in commending VOM to any church that wants to know about what is happening to Christians globally, including the persecution of Christians who are imprisoned for their faith.”
Pastor Colin Christian

Gatton Church of Christ
“We had Voice of the Martyrs come and share about this vital ministry at our worship service. The VOM representative shared the sobering reality of what is going on throughout the world to our persecuted brothers and sisters. The message that VOM brings is not an easy one to hear, but it is important for everyone to be informed of what is really happening to all the believers who are suffering for their faith in Jesus. I encourage churches to allow VOM the opportunity to share this important message and support the ministry however they can.”
Pastor Steve Ruyters

Kingaroy Baptist Church
“We at the Kingaroy Baptist church want to thank you for your excellent presentation last Sunday. It was very informative and our heart was stirred to reach out to the persecuted church. We were also very touched that books concerning those persecuted were free to take. This will also I believe bring a greater understanding for us in reading of people’s testimonies of persecution. Thanks again. We have so appreciated your coming, and look forward to seeing you again next year.”
Carolyn Moseling, Elder

Gateway Presbyterian Church
“What a blessing it was to have Greg visit us, from VOM!
We were reminded that God is faithful and through VOM and by other means, God is providing care for those suffering for the sake of Christ. We were encouraged to ‘join with [the persecuted] in suffering, like good soldiers of Christ Jesus’ (2 Tim 2:3 paraphrased), whether that be by prayer or finance. Our family found a book on the VOM table called ‘Jesus Freaks’. We read the first short story the other night with our boys. It was very powerful, and has encouraged us even further to pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith. Thanks VOM for the reality check. We truly are fortunate in Australia to still have religious freedom.”
Pastor Luke Thomas and his wife, Adela

One Life Church
“The recent visit by Paul and Jah from VOM has certainly helped to improve our people’s understanding of the various challenges that our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ are facing. In addition to this, we have gained a more informed approach as to how we can direct our prayers towards their various areas of need. We were also made aware of the various ways in which VOM partners in assisting persecuted Christians, and the way in which we as a church and individuals can become involved.
The short film titled ‘One Ruler – The power of the persecuted church’ was played. This film was packed with powerful testimonies of the way in which God continues to faithfully answer His people’s prayers in seeing the gospel message preached, resulting in those far away from God being drawn near. We are most grateful for the work of VOM and look forward to continuing an on-going partnership.”
Ken Sauerbier, Senior Pastor

Central Mountains Baptist Church
“God stirred our hearts on that Sunday when VOM ministered to us. The VOM representative echoed the voices of our persecuted brothers and sisters in a way that we are encouraged to pray for them, support them and to not be ashamed of fellowshipping with Christ’s sufferings.”
Pastor Jan Digno

Green Valley Community Church
“VOM’s visit to our church at Green Valley was eye opening. These guys’ passion for the persecuted church is unreal. Thank you for waking us up to the reality that our brothers and sisters outside the Western church are still suffering and dying for Christ daily and for enabling us as a church to love and minister to them as Christ commands us. God bless you VOM team.”
Church Leadership

Belmore Church of Christ
“Thank you for sharing about how VOM is working and serving in difficult parts of the world. The clear and concise presentation made it easy for our multi-lingual and multi-cultural congregation to understand and support you and the mission with the ongoing work. Great work and our continued prayers for you and the VOM Team.”
Rajen, Church Elder

Canberra International Church, Macquarie ACT
“We had an opportunity to host a representative from Voice of the Martyrs, Australia. They gave us an unforgettable message from the persecuted believers around the world. It was challenging but uplifting, sad, yet hopeful to learn how the true believers in Jesus Christ hold onto their faith and grow whilst being persecuted. We had a lot to learn from them. We wish to thank them for making the effort to come to Canberra and share their powerful message. As a church, we bless them in their important work.”
Church Leadership

Fairfield Baptist Church
“Recently Fairfield Baptist Church received the visit of a VOM representative and we were greatly blessed on that day. Watching our brothers’ faithfulness and willingness to stand for Christ’s name in the midst of persecution was spiritually moving, and the message after that was compelling and challenging. May our God keep using VOM to help us to know and support our Christian families that are living in places where they are persecuted for being genuine followers of Christ.”
Pastor Ivan Haedo

Nowra Gospel Chapel
“It is always important, not only to actively remember the Lord in His passion and triumph but also those who are experiencing the fellowship of His sufferings in our day. Whenever we have had a visit from a representative of VOM, our hearts have been encouraged to walk in His steps, as the stories of present-day martyrs are shared, along with an appropriate challenge from the Word of God. We highly value this ministry.”
Warwick Stanfield, Elder

Westview Baptist Church Doonside
“It was a real blessing to have VOM join with us and to share about what the Lord has done in him, and what the Lord is continuing to do in the lives of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. It is a great reminder for us to pray and a challenge for us to live out our own faith here in Sydney.”
JJ Bomford, Lead Pastor

Haberfield Baptist Church
“The church attendees who were there were greatly impacted by the film which featured ultimate forgiveness in action: that of the murderers of Sabina’s family. The film is an immense testimony to that which God can do in the most unexpected people and is also highly entertaining. HBC is grateful to Voice of the Martyrs who presented the film, and made books, newsletters and items available for those present.”
Church Leadership

Doyalson Baptist Church
“The Doyalson Baptist Church family is continually impressed with the information Voice of the Martyrs has provided us, as we walk together under the guidance of our Lord and Saviour, assisting those who are under persecution.
“We have been blessed by the two presentations you have provided on the persecuted church worldwide and accept God’s call to assist in any way we can, both financially and in prayer. We are encouraged to learn how the persecuted church is a witnessing church. As you are aware our congregation is predominantly elderly, so the mission field for us is now primarily on our knees.
“You have clearly portrayed the plight of our persecuted brothers and sisters in countries where religious freedoms are actively suppressed, unlike here in Australia. Please rest assured of our continued support.”
John Corbett, Church Secretary

Jervis Bay Baptist Church
“Having VOM come to the church for a film presentation and to speak at our Sunday service, has impacted us as followers of Christ Jesus. We were confronted with the reality that there are brothers & sisters in Christ who have faced, and are still facing, terrible persecution for being a believer in Jesus. It challenged us to think about our own willingness to stand up for our faith and motivated us to see how we could help make a difference for those being persecuted. VOM has greatly blessed us as a church and I would encourage any church to take the opportunity to have them come to speak, you will be blessed.”
Pastor Bruce Spencer

Engadine Congregational Church
“I believe so deeply in missions and prayer for missions. I don’t really think there are enough church people who look outside into the world and see the distress and need for prayer that the people so desperately need.
“VOM is such a practical caring mission. Whilst money is needed to maintain the mission the emphasis was and is prayer. The sharing of resources and the way the VOM representative stayed to talk and encourage was so natural. I was truly encouraged in the Lord and to increase my prayer. Thank you VOM.”
Sue Wallace, Missions Committee

Living Stone Evangelical Free Church of Australia
“The VOM representative was brilliant in sharing with us many stories with genuineness and caring character. I would say that you would have no regrets about having VOM share at your church about the ministry and the persecuted church and why it’s important to support them!”
Christopher Fung, Youth Leader

Jannali Congregational Church
“Over the past two years, our church has been honoured to host Voice of the Martyrs three times.
Each visit has been a blessing, not only because of their fervour for the Lord but also their deep passion for supporting Christians worldwide. Voice of the Martyrs epitomises genuine, God-fearing individuals, demonstrating bravery in spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our congregation wholeheartedly endorses VOM. Keep shining, VOM.”
Pastor Michael Williams

Wollongong Baptist Church
“We really appreciated VOM joining us in July, helping our church to be inspired by the faith of believers who are persecuted overseas, and to renew our commitment to praying for brothers and sisters who are suffering for their trust in Christ. We watched the movie Tortured for Christ on the Saturday night and were encouraged by the VOM representative sharing from God’s Word at our services on the Sunday. It was a fruitful time for our church, and I highly recommend the ministry of Voice of the Martyrs.”
Pastor Rodney Bayley

New Lampton Baptist Church
“Our church was very blessed by VOM’s visit for IDOP (International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church) in November. Watching Tortured for Christ was a powerful and convicting reminder of what our brothers and sisters have endured as believers and the Lord’s grace in sustaining them, while what the VOM representative shared with us during the Sunday morning service highlighted the sort of persecution believers are subjected to right now in certain parts of the world. Voice of the Martyrs has an important and timely message for the church, especially in the prosperous West, today.”
Pastor Andrew Denzin

Jervis Bay Baptist Church
“Having VOM come to the church for a film presentation and to speak at our Sunday service, has impacted us as followers of Christ Jesus. We were confronted with the reality that there are brothers & sisters in Christ who have faced, and are still facing, terrible persecution for being a believer in Jesus. It challenged us to think about our own willingness to stand up for our faith, and motivated us to see how we could help make a difference for those being persecuted.
VOM has greatly blessed us as a church and I would encourage any church to take the opportunity to have them come to speak, you will be blessed.”
Pastor Bruce Spencer

Donvale Presbyterian Church
It was a great pleasure to have VOM come to speak about the spiritual and physical ministry to the persecuted church around the world. We were challenged to ‘remember’ (Heb 13:3) our brothers and sisters in prayer especially; these millions who are standing firm for Jesus Christ despite opposition and persecution, and even possible martyrdom. Thanks for your visit.
Leanne (on behalf of the Missions Team)

Maldon Baptist Church
“The VOM representative who came to our church was a passionate and gifted speaker who brings great insight into the life of those persecuted for their faith. I have no hesitation in recommending VOM to speak in your church or group.”
Pastor Gavin Alexander

Wheatland District Church
“I was so pleased last month when a VOM representative came to our church. A wealth of knowledge and passionate about the ministry, he inspired the church to give generously and buy in excess of 200 Bibles! As we learned about the persecuted church, we were reminded that while we can give financially, every day we can also pray specifically for different nations – so we’ve downloaded the VOM App. I would recommend any church to invite VOM to speak – well worth it!”
Lisa Woods

Seventh-day Adventist House Church
“Voice of the Martyrs has broadened our perspective of OUR role as Christians in today’s world. VOM has shown us what has happened and continues to happen to our brothers and sisters who stay anchored in their faith in Christ. We have been encouraged, inspired, and motivated to help materially where we can, and to remember those in need of our prayers. We would challenge all Christians to be involved in the mission of VOM not only for the Bible-commissioned work that they do, but also for the privilege of seeing God at work even in the darkest of circumstances – something which has strengthened our own faith.”
Sam & Becky, Church Leaders

The Branch Christian Church
“If your church has not experienced a visit from VOM then you are likely under-informed about the needs of the suffering church and how to pray for these dear sisters and brothers in Christ who are deprived and impoverished or imprisoned and suffering for their faith. VOM combines gospel-hearted love for the suffering church with gospel-driven action to alert the rest of us to their needs and show us how to pray and serve in response to the love of God. The presentation was inspirational and the resources they made available are excellent. Since the visit, I have been moved by God’s Spirit to uphold the suffering church almost every day in line with Hebrews 13:3, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” If prayer is the chief exercise of our faith, then an important part of our praying is to remember those who suffer for their faith. I thank God for the ministry of VOM.”
Pastor Steve Nicholson

Devonport Seventh-day Adventist Church
“VOM is a ministry that every church should take the opportunity to listen to. We in more privileged countries have the opportunity to uphold our Christian brothers and sisters in situations where they are persecuted for their faith. VOM appeals on their behalf. If you haven’t invited them already, I appeal to you to hear the voices of the martyrs around the world.”
David Leo, Pastor