We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
Our ministry is to help, love and encourage persecuted Christians by providing Bibles, ministry resources, medical aid and practical assistance.
Our ministry is inspired by Hebrews 13:3: “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.”
We support Christians who are or have been persecuted for their faith and involvement in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in a hostile environment. We give their testimony a voice, informing and mobilising Christians in Australia to stand with their persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
We believe that the lives and testimony of persecuted Christians is a vital part of the fellowship of all believers and can challenge and strengthen the faith of God’s people everywhere.

Voice of the Martyrs Australia is an independent mission from all other missions within the International Christiaan Association (ICA).
The ministry structure of each mission is that of an independent organisation. Australia is a stand-alone mission and all funds for our projects are administered by us under the guidelines of Australian Law and compliance. Every year in April we issue an Impact Report which is preceded by a financial audit which is our legal obligation. This report outlines where and how all our previous year’s funds raised in Australia were spent.
Serving persecuted Christian believers around the world is our ministry. Voice of the Martyrs Australia record of project management, compliance, and integrity regarding the disbursement of funds over the past 53-year speaks for itself. All this has been achieved through Godly principles, discernment, transparency and an active Board of Directors and management team.
Our project partners, both within the VOM family and outside include some of the largest most impacting organisations in ministry globally. Voice of the Martyrs Australia has a vetting process to ensure they meet our criteria and that of the Australian government in terms of compliance surrounding financial compliance and operating standards.
We do not comment on the workings of any of the missions and enquiries regarding their operation can be directed to the mission in question.
Voice of the Martyrs Australia will continue to do the work God has called us to do in making a difference in the lives of those who suffer for the name of Christ.

Richard wrote Tortured for Christ
In 1967, Richard wrote Tortured for Christ, a firsthand account of the brutality he and other Christians suffered under communism. It opened the eyes and hearts of Christians in Western countries who had never heard of the terrible persecution happening to believers living in communist nations. He wrote: “The message I bring from the underground church is: ‘Don’t abandon us! Don’t forget us! Don’t write us off! Give us the tools we need! We will pay the price for using them!’”
Richard’s call to ‘remember the persecuted’ led to the establishment of an international ministry to persecuted Christians.

Voice of the Martyrs Australia was founded
Voice of the Martyrs Australia was founded in 1969 and is part of a global partnership of independent missions started through the influence of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned and tortured by communist authorities in his native Romania for 14 years, including three years in solitary confinement. He envisioned a ministry that would focus on the persecuted church, raise a voice on its behalf and provide encouragement and assistance to persecuted Christians.

Persecution against Christians Greater than Ever Before
Today, with persecution against Christians greater than ever before, we continue Richard’s mission to equip and support the persecuted church and act as their voice in the free world.
Richard was born
1909Richard Wurmbrand is born on 24 March in Bucharest, Romania, the youngest of four boys in a Jewish family.
Christian Wölfkes prays for years
1937In a village in Romania, a godly carpenter named Christian Wölfkes prays for years to lead a Jew to Christ. In 1938, the carpenter leads Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand to Jesus Christ after they arrive in his village.
Richard coordinates evangelism
1941Romania supports Germany in the war against the USSR and hosts German forces. Richard, now a pastor, coordinates evangelism to the occupying soldiers. Richard and Sabina were repeatedly arrested and beaten and were nearly executed. Sabina lost her Jewish family in Nazi concentration camps.
Richard engages in bold evangelism to Russian soldiers
1941Communists seize power in Romania and Russian troops pour into the country. Richard ministers to his oppressed countrymen and engages in bold evangelism to the Russian soldiers.
Richard and Sabina attend the ‘Congress of Cults’
1945Richard and Sabina attend the ‘Congress of Cults’. As many religious leaders come forward to swear loyalty to the new communist regime, Sabina asks Richard to “wipe the shame from the face of Jesus”. Richard, knowing the cost, steps forward and tells 4000 delegates that their duty as Christians is to glorify God and Christ alone. Between 1945 and 1947, Richard distributes one million Gospels to Russian troops, the books often disguised as communist propaganda. Richard also smuggles Gospels into Russia.
Richard is arrested by secret police
1948On 29 February, Richard is arrested by secret police and placed in a solitary cell.
Richard is alive
1950The communists arrest Sabina and assign her to forced labour on the Danube Canal. The Wurmbrands’ 9-year-old son, Mihai, is left alone. Sabina is released in 1953 and continues to work with the underground church. She is told her husband died in prison. Later, a doctor masquerading as a communist party member discovered Richard alive in prison.
Richard is released
1956Richard is released after serving eight-and-a-half years in prison. He endured horrific tortures and is warned never to preach again, but he resumes his ministry.
Richard is arrested again
1959Richard is turned in to the authorities by one of his own associates in the underground church. He is arrested again and sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Richard is released
1964Richard is released from prison and resumes his work. The Norwegian Mission to the Jews and the Hebrew Christian Alliance pay $10,000 in ransom to the communist government to allow the Wurmbrand family to leave Romania. They are reluctant to leave Romania, but other underground church leaders convince the Wurmbrands to leave and become a voice for the underground church to the world. Though Romanian officials warn Richard never to mention his prison experiences, he and Sabina speak internationally about the persecution.
Richard testifies in Washington DC
1966In May, Richard testifies in Washington DC, before the Senate’s Internal Security Subcommittee, where he reveals eighteen deep torture wounds on his body. His story spreads rapidly across the world.
Richard launches a ministry to persecuted Christians
1967Richard launches a ministry to persecuted Christians, Jesus to the Communist World, later named The Voice of the Martyrs, in the United States and publishes his book Tortured for Christ. After reading the book, many Christians leave secular careers to help start Voice of the Martyrs missions around the world.
Richard arrives in Sydney
1969Richard arrives in Sydney in response to an invitation from Ambassadors for Christ and shares his story at meetings all over Australia. Australian Christians respond to his call to “remember the persecuted” and the visit leads to the establishment of Voice of the Martyrs in Australia. The first Australian newsletter is published in November 1969.
Sabina dies
2000Sabina dies on 11 August after years of supporting the ministry of Voice of the Martyrs.
Richard dies
2001Richard retired in 1992, but continued as a consultant and member of the Board of Directors of The Voice of Martyrs USA, showing a keen interest in the work until his death in 2001. During his ministry, Richard wrote 18 books which have been translated into 38 languages.
Voice of the Martyrs partner missions
2023Worldwide, Voice of the Martyrs partner missions serve the persecuted church.