BANGLADESH: Evangelist Beaten for Testimony at Rally

22 August 2023

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

During an Islamist gathering denouncing Christianity and encouraging anti-Christian activity, Juhel stood up and shared his testimony about his faith in Christ. Some in the crowd listened with interest because of his reasonable and gentle approach, while others expressed opposition and anger.

Some in the group invited Juhel to speak again in the mosque, planning to attack him there. When he turned them down, they planned an ambush instead. Eight men attacked him in the street with sticks and machetes but ran away when a crowd of witnesses gathered.

Juhel needed several surgeries for the injuries inflicted in the attack. “I am cautious, but I’m not going to flee or hide,” Juhel said. “As followers of Jesus, we need to stand for what we believe.”


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    Pray for them

    Thank the Lord for the courage Juhel displayed in sharing his testimony. Pray the seeds that were planted will be used by God for the spiritual benefit of many.

    Pray for the perpetrators, and ask the Lord to give them their own revelation of Jesus.

    Pray for those training front-line workers to carry the gospel to Muslims in Bangladesh.

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