BANGLADESH: Unrest Sparks New Violence Against Christians

27 August 2024

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Political violence has escalated in Bangladesh, resulting in the resignation and flight of Prime Minister Sheik Hasina. At least 95 deaths occurred on a single day (4 August) in the capital city, Dhaka. Front-line workers report increased targeted attacks against Christians as a result.

In one case, a church was attacked by an armed crowd that damaged vehicles and tried to set fire to the building early one morning. According to another report, several individual Christians in a northern district were attacked.

Front-line workers request prayer for peace in Bangladesh and for the protection of Christian brothers and sisters who have been targeted by extremist groups taking advantage of the country’s chaos.


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    Pray for them

    Pray for stability of governance in the nation. Ask God to provide wise and benevolent leaders.

    Pray for the unity and protection of churches. Pray that Christians will have His peace and will be a light to others, without fear.

    Pray for front-line workers who are caring for persecuted Bangladeshi Christians.

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