BENIN: Destroyed Church Rebuilt, Reopened

20 February 2024

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

On 10 January 2023, in a small town in central Benin, a group of voodooists burned down a church when Christians refused to honour local idols.

Benin is considered the birthplace of voodoo, and the country celebrates National Voodoo Day on 10 January each year. Occult practices, which include worshipping idols, sacrificing animals and wearing special talismans to ward off evil, are widespread.

With VOM’s help, the church has been rebuilt and reopened. The church’s pastor is thankful that the house of worship is open and that his congregation has a place to meet. He asks that Christians pray for more people in the village to be set free from the bondage of voodoo and that the congregation will be strengthened regardless of persecution.


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    Pray for front-line workers who are helping Christians who have been driven from their homes and for those distributing Bibles.

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