CHINA: Street Evangelist Chen Wensheng Sentenced Again

25 June 2024

Source: Bitter Winter, ChinaAid

Chen Wensheng, 55, is a former drug addict who converted to Christianity and started travelling throughout China and Vietnam carrying a cross and bringing to cities and villages, his powerful Christian testimony.

His cross bears slogans such as “Glory to the Saviour” and “Repent and Believe to Be Saved.” He tells whoever will listen, the story of how he was saved from drug addiction through the power of the gospel.

Chen has been detained more than one hundred times. His most recent arrest occurred in Hengyang City, Hunan on 25 October. He was charged with “organising and funding illegal gatherings”.

On 20 June, Chen was sentenced to one year and seven months in prison.

The decision may seem comparatively mild, but the authorities continue to play a cat-and-mouse game with Brother Chen. He is repeatedly detained, sentenced to ‘mild’ penalties, and then detained again when he resumes preaching in the streets. Brother Chen may well be the national record holder in China for number of arrests.


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    Pray for them

    Praise God for Chen’s remarkable faithfulness to God’s kingdom. Pray that He will use Chen to share the love of Christ with as many people as possible in this current season.

    Pray that Chen and his family will be strengthened by the Lord as they endure this time of separation.

    Praise God for the growth of the church in China. Pray that He would continue to uphold and equip the believers.

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