EAST AFRICA: Entire Village Changed by God’s Word

13 November 2024

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

As Musa was serving as an imam in his village in East Africa, he kept hearing about his son, Saad, preaching the gospel throughout the village. Saad’s bold witness angered other local Muslim leaders, who warned Musa to stop Saad from evangelising.

Though Musa didn’t find any fault with his son’s evangelistic activities, he decided to confront Saad about them. But when Musa went to Saad, something surprising happened. Saad was studying the Bible with his pastor, and Musa watched and listened as Saad and the pastor discussed different verses.

“He was so impressed at what he was hearing,” a front-line worker said. “He asked them if he could also join them to really understand what the Bible is teaching.”

Musa then placed his trust in Christ, which has impacted the whole village. “As a result of his conversion, almost everyone in his village is now Christian,” the front-line worker reported.


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    Pray for them

    Thank the Lord for the salvation of Saad, praising God for using him as a witness to his father and his whole town.

    Thank the Lord for using a front-line worker and the influence of a former imam to draw many to faith in Christ.

    Ask the Lord to use this village as a testament to His goodness and love, that all who pass by would see His light in them and desire to know Christ the same way.

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