KAZAKHSTAN: Woman Forgives Attacker After Being Beaten

26 November 2024

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Formerly under communist rule as a republic of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan is one of Central Asia’s wealthiest nations because of its vast mineral resources. Islam has experienced a resurgence since the fall of the Soviet Union, and many have returned to what they consider their Muslim heritage, which was restricted for decades by atheistic communism.

Christian converts are often disowned by their families, publicly shamed and even beaten. Churches and Christians outside the Russian Orthodox faith are restricted and harassed by the government.

Christians convert, Samal suffered a head wound and impaired movement in one arm after her drunken relative, Arman attacked her with a shovel. Kazakh police arrested Arman and said he could face seven years in prison for the assault.

While meeting with police, Samal, a new Christian, said she experienced an angelic vision during which she was encouraged to forgive Arman. Though she initially resisted, Samal eventually forgave her relative. When she did, her pain vanished, and her arm was healed. She then dropped all charges against Arman and told the police she had been speaking with an angel.

Arman is now visiting her church, and its members are praying that he will also come to know Christ.


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    Pray for them

    Thank the Lord for Samal and her new faith in Christ. Pray that she would continue to listen and obey the Lord, growing in her knowledge and love of Him.

    Pray for her relatives, particularly Arman, that God would turn their hearts to Himself, using Samal and other believers as a witness to them. Ask God that they would come into salvation through Christ.

    Pray for the nation of Kazakhstan, that God would continue to grow His church here, using the believers as a light to those who don’t yet know Him.

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