NEPAL: From the Field: Christian Woman Attacked by Husband

23 July 2024

Source: VOM Contacts

Rachana’s mother, Devna, was suffering from severe ill health for many years. The family visited both medical doctors and witch doctors, but her condition not only remained; it worsened over time.

Rachana had heard that there is healing in Jesus Christ. So, the family took Devna to a church in a nearby area. There, the gospel was explained and Devna, her husband and daughter, Rachana, received Christ. Devna also received prayer for her illness and after a few days, she experienced complete healing.

Rachana is married to a Hindu man, named Chepang, they have one son, 20 and one daughter,15. As a Hindu, Chepang objected to his wife’s conversion and attempted to stop her from meeting with other Christians for worship.

Despite the opposition, Rachana decided to be baptised, and over time, their children also came to faith. Chepang’s anger increased, and he left the family, moved to a new area and married another woman.

Rachana struggled to provide for herself and her children and was forced to start working as a day labourer either in domestic service or collecting firewood from the jungle to sell. On days when there was little or no work, the church would help to supply Rachana’s needs.

One day, her husband returned home, to seek revenge on his wife for her ‘betrayal’. He attacked her by pouring petrol on her and setting her alight. Then he fled the scene. The neighbours heard Rachana’s screams and quickly came to her aid. They extinguished the flames and took her to hospital.

Fortunately, during a three-week stay in hospital, Rachana’s burns started to heal, meanwhile, her fellow church members helped to support her and her children.

The police arrested Chepang and he has been jailed for attempted murder.

Voice of the Martyrs Australia will supply financial assistance to the family.


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    Pray for them

    Thank the Lord for His ministry of healing and salvation for this family. Also, for the care and fellowship they have received from other believers.

    Pray for Chepang, that he may have his own encounter with the Lord and come to life-changing faith.

    Pray for our church leaders in this area of southern Nepal and our national contact in the area, that they would be granted wisdom to know how best to help persecuted believers like Rachana.

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