INDIA: Anti-Conversion Law to be Repealed

In the state elections held in Karnataka on 10 May, the secular Indian National Congress party won a majority of seats over the former ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Moving quickly on election p...


ARABIAN PENINSULA: Convert to Christ Attacked, Brought to Court

Bassam committed his life to Christ; it enraged his Muslim wife. She couldn’t believe he had changed his religious beliefs as their country of residence is less than 1% Christian. She immediately...


UGANDA: Christian Schoolchildren Massacred

Militants linked to Islamic State terrorists carried out a massacre at a boarding school in western Uganda last week, killing and kidnapping students. It’s been described as the deadliest attack in ...


BELARUS: Christian Man Fined for Sharing His Faith

On 1 June a musical group of Baptist believers arranged a performance on the streets of Drogichin in southwestern Belarus. In addition to providing uplifting music, the Christians shared their faith w...


INDIA: Pastor and His Family Detained on False Accusations

On 24 April, Pastor Kirubendran and his family were detained for allegedly conducting "forcible conversion" activities and "insulting religion". The pastor's wife, Manju, was released on bail in early...


NEPAL: From the Field

Eighty-four percent of Nepalis are Hindus. Families, communities, Marxist groups and Hindu groups pressure Christians, who also experience some government interference. Muslims and Buddhists also pers...


PAKISTAN: Christian Receives Death Sentence

A 22-year-old Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death for blasphemy on 30 May. Noman Masih was found guilty of blaspheming the Muslim prophet Mohammad because of pictures he was accused of distribu...


NIGERIA: Over 50,000 Christians Killed by Islamist Extremists Since 2009

A recent study has found that upwards of 52,250 Christians have been murdered in Nigeria since the Boko Haram Insurgency began nearly fourteen years ago. The investigative report entitled ‘Martyred ...


VIETNAM: From the Field

Vietnam has a repressive communist government that actively restricts Christian worship. In rural areas of Vietnam, local authorities view Christianity as a foreign threat and often use intimidation, ...

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