SE ASIA: From the Field

08 October 2024

Source: VOM Contacts

In a Muslim-dominated area of Southeast Asia governed by Sharia law, the gospel message continues to spread. The law dictates that every girl and woman must cover their head with a hijab in public; if they fail to comply, they face charges and fines. Despite the challenges, many lives have been transformed through coming to faith in Christ.

In one town, a Muslim couple converted to Christianity before their marriage. A secret marriage ceremony was held for the couple by local believers, though to legalise their marriage, they had no choice but to proceed with marriage under Sharia law, allowing them to live together and raise a family.

A little girl named Tamoe was born to the couple; they faithfully raised her with Christian values. Tamoe loves Jesus and she loves to worship; she takes her faith very seriously, despite her young age.

She began to face persecution from her Muslim classmates. From a young age, Tamoe refused to wear a hijab and was recently questioned by her Muslim friends who asked, “Why are you not wearing the hijab like us?” She replied, “I don’t need to because I believe in Jesus.” Hearing her say this, a male classmate slapped her across the face.

The incident was reported to the teacher, but no serious action was taken. Since that day, she has been called by all kinds of names; particularly, ‘apostate’. Through all these trials, Tamoe still loves Jesus and holds strong to her faith in Jesus.

Despite facing persecution, Tamoe and her family continue as examples of Christian faith in this Muslim-dominated area, reaching out to Muslims in their community.


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    Pray for them

    Thank the Lord for the salvation of Tamoe and her family. Pray that they would shine as a light to the Muslim community and that others would also come to faith in Christ.

    Pray that God would continue to strengthen and equip Muslim background believers, protecting them as they reach out to Muslims in their area.

    Ask the Lord to soften the hearts of Tamoe’s peers and those in the community who come against Christians for their faith. Pray that God would bring them into a relationship with Him.

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