UGANDA: Muslim Father Burns Daughter for Turning to Christ

13 August 2024

Source: Morning Star News

On 19 July during a recent visit to her grandmother in a nearby district, 19-year-old Naasike Maliyati, attended an evangelistic crusade with a friend. “When they called people to give their lives to Christ, I also went and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour,” Maliyati said. “When I went back home, I told my sister that I had left Islam. She went and told our dad of my conversion to Christianity.”

The following Sunday Maliyati attended a church service, and upon returning home found her father, 44-year-old Abdulrahim Kutosi, and uncles angry with her, she said.

“They tied me up, beat me, and finally my dad picked up a hot flat iron and hot water and burned me and shouted loudly that I was an embarrassment to the family,” Maliyati told sources. “He continued saying that even Allah is annoyed with me as the pain continued inside my body.”

She heard him order her to stop attending church services before relatives put her on a motorbike and left her near the Namatala River, she said.

A Christian on a motorcycle who happened by, Nicolas Ndobooli, rescued her. “I saw someone yelling for help and calling, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!’” Ndobooli told sources. “Being a Christian, I decided to stop and took the risk and put her on my motorbike to the clinic.” He paid to admit her for medical treatment, he said.


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    Pray for them

    Pray that God would heal Maliyati’s injuries. Thank God for sending Ndobooli to her rescue and for the medical treatment she received through him.

    Pray for Maliyati’s family. Ask God to reveal Himself to them so that they too would have a personal encounter with the Lord.

    Pray for believers in Uganda’s majority-Muslim areas. Ask the Lord to protect and strengthen them.

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    One response to “UGANDA: Muslim Father Burns Daughter for Turning to Christ”

    1. Mona says:

      I pray for an update to know Naasike Maliyati, is doing well, safe, and still living for Jesus

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