Vietnam: From the Field

07 January 2025

Vietnamese man riding in a bicycle in an alley

Source: VOM Contacts

Our front-line workers in Vietnam have sent us several prayer requests on behalf of believers suffering for their faith.

1. A group of our brothers and sisters in Christ were persecuted and forced to leave their homes and village. Thankfully, another family of believers has welcomed them, and they are now temporarily staying at their house.

2. Brother Din was stopped and physically attacked while on his way home from going out to share the gospel with others.

3. Even in his old age, Pastor Dan sacrifices many things for God’s work and uses his house for church gatherings. On 23 December, while the church was worshipping, local authorities and thugs broke into Dan’s house and attacked the attendees. When Dan tried to stop them, the authorities beat him and broke his arm and his leg.

4. As a result of refusing to renounce his faith, Mr Bah was forced to leave his house and is now temporarily staying in the kitchen of his pastor’s house.

5. Brother Ting’s family held church gatherings at their house. Discovering this, local authorities requested Ting stop; he refused. Soon after, he was found dead on the side of the road with many wounds to his body. Ting’s wife, Mar, refused to do forced community work as she was busy and unable to do it. She was found dead at her home a week after her husband went home to the Lord.

VOM Australia is financially assisting these families.


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    Pray for them

    Pray that the Lord would be the peace, comfort and strength for the injured, displaced and mourning believers in Vietnam.

    Ask God to place a hedge of protection around the hearts of our Vietnamese brothers and sisters, so that God would strengthen them in faith as they suffer many trials.

    Pray for VOM front-line workers. Ask God to grant them wisdom and opportunity to be an ongoing comfort and encouragement to persecuted believers.

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