01 May 2024

At the beginning of 2024, the Board of Directors at Voice of the Martyrs Australia were made aware of possible financial irregularities in our accounts and upon further investigation found that a large sum of money had been stolen from the organisation during 2023.

The board immediately alerted the police and is working with authorities to investigate the incident and pursue prosecution.

The board and staff were able to find a way to offset the missing money, keep the organisation afloat and continue to send supporter money to the most important people in our mission – persecuted Christian believers.

We do not tolerate any form of fraud and are taking measures to strengthen our financial practices and policies to ensure this does not happen again.

Be assured that all donations are still going to where they are meant to be going and the mission has a very bright future ahead.

Any questions regarding Voice of the Martyrs Australia are very welcome and a dedicated team reviews every message sent to our inbox: [email protected].Voice of the Martyrs Australia remains focused on the work God has called us to do in making a difference in the lives of those who suffer for the name of Christ. Our donors and supporters are of utmost value to us and rightly expect us to operate to the highest standards of integrity, excellence and stewardship and we remain committed to these values.

Noah Roet
Executive Director

1/5/2024 08:00

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