Empowering Front-line Workers with Motorbikes: India, Philippines, Vietnam

04 April 2024

Our front-line workers often face challenges in their ministry work due to the lack of adequate transportation. They have to visit remote villages, minister to church members and proclaim the gospel, which can be difficult without reliable means of transportation. Many of them have to walk for hours or rely on unreliable and expensive public transport. However, bicycles or motorbikes can be a simple but practical solution that can make a big difference in their lives and ministry.

Thanks to your support, in 2023 we were able to supply 30 bicycles and 16 motorbikes to front-line workers. This support helped them travel to nearby villages and share the gospel with more people. The pastors expressed their gratitude and joy for this opportunity to spread the Word of God.

“Dear donors and pastors, with heartfelt gratitude, I write to thank you for your unwavering support and generosity in my ministry. As an evangelist and church planter, serving the Lord voluntarily, I have been blessed to travel to restricted areas, where people have never heard the gospel. In the past few years, I have been able to plant five house churches, but my journey is far from over. 

“To reach more people, I have set a goal to plant ten more house churches in 2024. My travels have not been without challenges, and I have faced many difficulties, especially when I had to stay overnight because it was too far to return home on the same day, and I had to travel by foot. 

“Your extraordinary kindness has enabled me to purchase a motorbike, which has made my travels easier and more efficient. I am deeply grateful for your support, prayers, and generosity, which have been a great motivation for me to continue my soul-winning journey. As I continue to spread the Word of God and plant more house churches, I humbly ask for your continued support and prayers. Together, we can bring hope and salvation to those who have not yet heard the gospel. Thank you again for your invaluable support.

“Please continue to pray for me to be fruitful for God’s kingdom.” Dahn, Vietnam

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