Empowering New Believers: Discipleship Care Training in Nigeria

04 April 2024

In the heart of Nigeria, amidst the challenges and uncertainties faced by Muslim-background believers, there exists a beacon of hope – a project dedicated to sheltering, nurturing, and empowering those who have embraced the faith in Christ.


This vital initiative, supported by Voice of the Martyrs, provides a sanctuary for new believers, offering them refuge from the dangers and persecution they often face. Beyond mere shelter, the project endeavours to ground these individuals in their newfound faith, equipping them with the spiritual and practical tools necessary to navigate the journey ahead.


At the core of this endeavour lies discipleship care training – a comprehensive programme designed to provide holistic support to these courageous souls. From accommodation to Bible training, from pastoral care to literacy and numeracy training, every aspect of their journey is carefully attended to. Moreover, vocational skills training ensures that they not only grow spiritually but also gain the means to build a new life of dignity and purpose.


The impact of this project extends far beyond the confines of its walls. As disciples emerge strengthened and equipped, they are empowered to reintegrate into their communities with confidence and conviction. For those who still face threats, alternative arrangements are made, ensuring their safety and continued growth under the care of local pastors or missionaries.


This initiative serves as a strong example of the transformative power of love and compassion in difficult times. It provides a ray of hope in a world that is often plagued by conflict and disagreement. Through its steadfast dedication to fostering and empowering new believers, it embodies the essence of true discipleship – walking alongside others throughout their faith journey, providing assistance, direction, and most importantly, love.


As we celebrate the success of this project, let us not forget the crucial role we all play in supporting and uplifting our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. By doing so, we can create a community that is not only strong and supportive but also one that is rooted in love and compassion. 


We, at Voice of the Martyrs Australia, thank you for your unwavering support in changing the lives of persecuted Christians worldwide.

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