Imprisoned Pastor Leads 13 to Christ

02 December 2024

An Iranian Christian imprisoned for pastoring a house church helped lead 13 other inmates to Christ, despite the presence of prison guards and inmates who were Muslim extremists. “I began to think that this was a dangerous place and that it would not be possible to witness to anyone,” he said. But the pastor found ways to share the gospel secretly and even continue teaching those who came to faith in Christ.

“During the recreation times, I would walk around in a spirit of friendship with these new believers and teach them how to grow in their faith, and I would answer their questions,” he said.

The pastor, who has since been released, said he hopes to continue discipling the men from outside the prison. “I realised that if I had not been imprisoned, these 13 would not have had an opportunity to hear the gospel and believe in Christ,” he said.

The Iranian government is among the most oppressive in the world. Leaving Islam is illegal in Iran, and Christians are often

charged with “acting against national security” for owning Bibles or even talking about Christ. Numerous Iranian Christians are currently in prison, and many others are under house arrest awaiting sentencing.

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