The Blood that Heals

11 December 2024

Dong grew up under the care of loving Christian parents in rural Vietnam. He knew about God growing up and thought he was already a Christian since his parents were Christians. But as he grew, he encountered the Lord in a special way, and he became a true believer in Christ.

They lived in a village where Christians were a small minority. Most of the villagers in the highlands worship their ancestors. They erect altars for their deceased loved ones and offer food to them. They also burn incense and communicate with them. By doing so, they believe they would receive protection and peace.

Due to this cultural adherence to ancestor worship, Christians are thought to bring bad luck, since they no longer pay respect to the dead. They are called traitors for betraying their ancestors by not remembering or worshipping them. Christians are even blamed for misfortunes, which happen to their families because they are seen as having abandoned their ancestors.

Dong and his wife experienced rejection from their community. They were called many hurtful names because they were Christians. There were instances when even their close relatives refused to help them, accusing them of betraying their ancestors by becoming Christians.

When Dong’s wife’s family learned that she had married Dong, a Christian, and had become a believer herself, they immediately disassociated themselves from her. They cut all ties with their daughter.

The authorities in the area seek to brainwash the local people about Christianity. They say Christians are like a virus spreading across villages and have warned people not to associate with them or even talk to them. For this reason, when Dong and other Christians go to villages to share the gospel, people immediately avoid them and refuse any dealings with them.

There have been times when the local authorities have hired thugs to attack Dong. On one occasion, he had to run and hide from people who wanted to beat him. They eventually caught him and beat him, but he did not retaliate because he knew God wanted him to extend love even to those who persecuted him. He also believes that his life is secure in God’s hands.

One of Dong’s greatest struggles came when he learned that his child had a heart condition. They immediately brought their child to the hospital and asked for treatment. One of the challenges for believers in the area is that when doctors discover the family are Christians, they may deny medical help or estimate that medical treatment would cost a large sum of money—far above what the family can afford so that the patient never receives the treatment they need.

When Dong and his wife went to the hospital for help, the doctor told them their child required surgery. However, the surgery was expensive, costing many weeks’ wages. Dong was disheartened because he knew they couldn’t afford the surgery, yet his child needed it urgently. A female doctor approached him and said she might be able to operate, but in return, he would have to do significant favours for her. Dong dismissed the idea and rejected the offer. He did not want to compromise his faith or sin against God. They prayed for God’s help and trusted Him to lead them.

After praying, they decided to travel to a hospital in another area, about a two-hour bus ride away. Along the way, it rained continually. When they arrived at the hospital, the building was flooded, and only a few people were working. The family was afraid that no one would be available to help them. However, they were attended by a physician who examined their child. Without hesitation, the doctor told them that surgery was needed immediately. The doctor didn’t ask if they had money to pay and began preparations for surgery. The hospital staff didn’t ask where they were from or whether they were Christians.

Dong and his wife prayed earnestly to God about their child’s situation, especially since they didn’t have the money to pay for the surgery. They simply trusted that God would take care of them and provide for their needs. They submitted to the Lord and asked Him that whatever would happen next, was His doing.

The surgery was a complete success. Dong went to the doctor to thank him and asked how much the operation and hospitalisation would cost. The doctor told him he didn’t need to pay anything—someone had already paid for everything. The only thing they needed to do was rest, and once the child had recovered, they would be discharged from the hospital.

At that moment, Dong felt an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude toward the doctor. A miracle had just happened. But above all, Dong praised God, knowing it was His doing. He knew God had answered their prayers and healed their child. Dong remembered David’s words in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He leads me beside still waters.” This gave him a peace and satisfaction that only Jesus can provide.

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