INDIA: From the Field

19 December 2023

Source: VOM Contacts

VOM Australia has the privilege of supporting front-line workers in several restricted nations. These faithful believers work tirelessly to lead churches in hostile areas, encourage persecuted believers, and proclaim the gospel even to those who oppose the church.

Our front-line workers in India have asked for prayers for some ladies they are ministering to, who are persecuted by their own family members for their faith in Christ.

  • Kavya has no mother; her father threatens her and beats her in an attempt to stop her from going to church or praying at home. She is in much distress.
  • Sai, a widow is deprived of food by her Hindu daughter-in-law. She is hated for the love of the gospel.
  • Riya has been forced from her home by her family. She is staying at a local church. Ask God to provide for her needs.
  • Netra’s Muslim father beats her for her faith, but her mother trusts us and allows her to see us. We are teaching Netra about the Lord; she wants to accept the Lord and be baptised.
  • Suhani is a widow. Since becoming a Christian, her whole family have stopped associating with her; they won’t speak to her at all. As her church family, we give her hope and pray with her.



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    Pray for them

    Ask the Lord to bless our front-line workers in India and other nations. Pray they will be granted wisdom, protection and leading as they proclaim the gospel and care for those entrusted to them.

    Uphold these ladies and ask God to strengthen their faith. Pray they will feel the ministering presence of the Lord and will be greatly encouraged by other believers.

    Pray that the witness of these believers may be used by God for the spiritual blessing of their families.

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