KENYA: Muslims Stone Church, Pastor’s Home

10 October 2023

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Pastor Matthew leads a small church in northern Kenya. Every Sunday as he preaches, Muslims from the surrounding neighbourhood pummel the church with rocks. They occasionally throw stones at the home where he, his wife and their four children live.

Their family and other Christians in the town are regularly discriminated against, especially at funerals, which are usually communal events. Pastor Matthew recalled attending a funeral where he was served a meal and sat down to eat with a group of men. The other men immediately stood up and left him to dine alone, saying they would never eat with a “pagan”.

Despite the ostracism and assaults, Pastor Matthew persists in ministry activities, including helping translate the Bible into local dialects. He said, “God is faithful in providing for our personal and ministry needs in miraculous ways beyond our expectations.”


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    Pray for them

    Pray for Pastor Matthew and his family, that they will persevere in proclaiming the gospel to others.

    Ask the Lord to bless their ministry activities, including the translating of the Bible into local dialects. Ask God to continue to provide means for those activities to flourish so that more people may come to hear the gospel.

    Pray for those who persecute Pastor Matthew and his family, that they will come to know the Lord.

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