VIETNAM: From the Field

19 June 2024

Source: VOM contacts

Vietnam has a repressive communist government that actively restricts Christian worship. In rural areas of Vietnam, local authorities view Christianity as a foreign threat and often use arrests, intimidation, property destruction, detentions, beatings, forced renunciations and targeted discrimination in an attempt to halt church growth.

Once again, our front-line workers are asking for prayer for recent incidents:

– Pastor Nguyen and his wife Nam were attacked when they were travelling to share the gospel. After stopping the couple, one of the local authorities used his baton to strike Nguyen on the head. Thankfully, he was still wearing his motorbike helmet and he only sustained minor injuries. However, his wife was also attacked. One of the men kicked her, twice, and then fled. Her mouth and her nose started bleeding. Initially, she did not feel any pain and asked her husband to drive her home. Unfortunately, the bleeding worsened and she was taken to hospital.

– After travelling for eight days to share the gospel, Pastor Trang and a fellow worker were returning home. While they were travelling on an isolated road, Trang was attacked. He was hit on the head from behind, the perpetrator then fled. The hit was so hard that it broke his helmet and he fell, unconscious. His fellow worker took him to a local hospital.

– Brother Ric recently purchased a piece of land and started planting. Unfortunately, as a result of his refusal to renounce his faith, his rice field was destroyed. They have also threatened him with the seizure of his land. In addition, about six months ago, his house was set on fire. Thankfully, he discovered it and quenched it quickly so, the damage was minimal. He said he does not know what to do, but to hold fast to the Lord.

– Van is a young Christian man who loves the Lord. Not long ago, as a result of Van’s refusal to renounce his faith, local authorities attacked him and broke his arm. He had to undergo surgery to have a metal rod inserted into his arm. Recently, they came again and asked him why he was so stubborn and demanded he renounce his faith again. He just smiled and said no, they then used a large wooden stick to hit his head. In defence, he raised the same arm to protect his head which caused the metal rod to protrude from the skin. More surgery is required. During the attack when Van’s mother was outside, she heard the noise and screams from Van, she ran into her house and was also hit on her back. She is still having back pain and walking difficulties.

– Brother Ky has suffered so much for the sake of the gospel. He was beaten in 2021 and lost some of his teeth. In 2022 he was arrested and detained for six months. He has remained strong in his faith and has even continued to host ‘illegal’ worship gatherings in his home. Both he and his wife are active in preaching the gospel. Now, they have been forced from their home and village.


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    Pray for them

    Pray for VOM Australia’s front-line workers who receive reports of these types of incidents; then seek to visit, pray with and offer financial support. Pray for wisdom, discernment and protection as they travel.

    Please pray for treatment and healing of those who have suffered severe injury and loss as a result of standing firm in their faith.

    Pray the Lord will use the faithful testimony of these believers as a strong witness for the persecutors.

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    One response to “VIETNAM: From the Field”

    1. Janet Brumby says:

      It is a comment. How do the attackers know so much about their travelling plans? Other than the responsible informing of one or two close people such as spouse it might be an idea to keep quiet about what you are doing and where you are going.

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