EGYPT: From the Field

18 May 2023

EGYPT From the Field
Source: VOM contacts

Laila is a Muslim background believer. She became a Christian two years ago and has not disclosed her new faith to her husband, children or extended family as she fears she would be killed.

Laila desperately wanted her own copy of the Bible, she planned to hide it and read it in secret whenever possible. She approached several churches in the last couple of years, asking for a Bible, but all the pastors and leaders refused to give her one.

They thought that she had been sent to them by security agents, to test them to see if they would give a Bible to a Muslim.

In October, Laila was suffering from an abdominal complaint and was invited by one of her friends to go for a medical check-up at a VOM-sponsored mobile medical clinic, which treats persecuted believers and acts as an outreach.

During the check-up, the Christian doctor told Laila; “Jesus loves you.” On hearing this, Laila started to cry and replied in a whisper “I am a Christian.”

The doctor treated Laila, and then prayed with her. Just before she left, he gave her the phone number of Yahia, a VOM-sponsored front-line worker and, a copy of her very own Bible!

Yahia was happy to meet with Laila. He advised her not to keep the Bible at her home for her safety and offered to keep the Bible at his ministry’s office; she would be welcome to come any time she wished to read it.

The next day Laila came early, hungry to read the Word of God. She now comes regularly to read and to learn and she is growing in her relationship with the Lord. Yahia is asking for prayer for Laila.

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    Pray for them

    Pray for her protection. It will soon start to become obvious to her family, that a change has taken place in her life.

    Pray for her husband, that he might have his own encounter with Jesus. Laila longs to worship the Lord together at home as a family.

    Pray for the VOM-sponsored projects in Egypt. That the Lord would powerfully be at work in strengthening the church and expanding His kingdom in Egypt.

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