Project update: Church Workers Training

22 July 2024

Each year, VOM Australia funds the training of Chinese church leaders in theology and evangelism.

The training runs for up to ten months, last year 80 Chinese believers took part.

As the Chinese church continues to rapidly grow, there remains a huge demand for well-equipped workers, evangelists and pastors for house churches. Most of the trainees are from village churches in rural areas and usually have a limited education but are eager to serve the Lord Jesus in their local churches. VOM provides them with this opportunity to receive basic theological education.

Testimony of one of the trainees

Brother Xi had been in jail for one year because of his Christian beliefs years ago. At that time, he had been very afraid of the National Security Police, but the Word of the Lord Jesus encouraged him, particularly, Matthew 10:31, “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” Xi stood firm in his faith during this difficult time.

However, over the years, something else had been bothering Brother Xi. He could not understand, why Christians in China were all alone; why did only Chinese believers face persecution for faith in Jesus?

Brother Xi was invited to complete the training and he gladly took part.

As part of the training, the participants were asked to read the daily devotional, Extreme Devotion.

Through this book, Xi learnt that there are so many faithful Christians in today’s world facing persecution, like in China. Not only from communists but also in the Muslim world and totalitarian regimes.

One of the trainers encouraged Xi, saying, “This lack of understanding was not your fault.  Chinese people are behind the ‘Bamboo Curtain’. The ‘Great Fire Wall’ filters the news and information from the world so that most Chinese people cannot learn what’s happening outside of China.”

Xi responded, “Thank you, but I must admit that I had a narrow heart and a short sight, and I repent before the Lord Jesus. I pray to the Lord to give me a wider vision that I may pray for other persecuted churches in many countries.” Xi went on to name the countries one by one, Vietnam, Iran, Sudan, and North Korea…… amazingly, 40 country names came from his mouth.

Xi had only three years of school, but he has studied diligently over the last ten months to not only learn more about God’s Word but to completely change his perspective on persecution and to earnestly pray for the nations.

Please pray for the recipients of this training that it will serve them well in opening their minds to the things of God and help them to stand strong in the faith and encourage other believers also.

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