From the Field: Motorbikes for Front-Line Workers

13 January 2025

One of the challenges that our front-line workers face in their ministry work is the lack of adequate transportation to visit remote villages, minister to church members and proclaim the gospel. Many of them must walk for hours or rely on public transport which is often unreliable or expensive.

Motorbikes are a simple but practical solution that can make a big difference in their lives and ministry of these front-line workers. Each year we supply motorbikes to evangelists and church planters in various countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, India and the Philippines.

May, from Mindanao in the Philippines recently received a bike to help her do ministry work:

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord for this wonderful gift of a motorbike.

“I started to pray to God each time I had to walk the eight kilometres from the highway to the community.

“It was a great blessing that the motorbike was given, not only to be used for house visitations in other villages but also for patients who have to be transported on the main highway because the ambulance could not enter our village through our narrow and rocky mountain road.

“May this bike be used for work in the villages and help many people in need. Thank you so much and God bless you.”

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