SOMALIA: Mariam Muhina Hussein (28 SEPTEMBER 2009)

28 September 2023

Forty-six-year-old Somali woman Mariam Muhina Hussein was killed for her faith on this day in 2009.

One Sunday afternoon, a fellow tribeswoman from a nearby village came to Mariam’s home requesting to know more about Christianity. Mariam invited her in and shared gladly, reading from the Bible hidden in her home.

After a time the woman left Mariam’s home, promising to return to hear more.

The following day, Mariam opened her door to see several men standing there. One of them introduced himself as Sheikh Arbow, explaining that he was the husband of the woman who visited the day before. He told Mariam he and the men with him were curious about the Bible and wanted her help.

Mariam let the men in and went to get her Bible. As she handed it to Sheikh, all pretense slipped away. “We’ve been looking for Christians who have defiled the Islamic religion,” Sheikh told her.

He pulled out a gun and shot her three times, killing her instantly.

Though Mariam’s life was taken, the Word of God will continue to spread in Somalia. Isaiah 55:10 says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

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