SE ASIA: Spreading the Good News in a Muslim-dominated Nation

22 February 2023

SE ASIA Spreading the Good News in a Muslim-dominated Nation

Source: VOM Contacts

Spreading the gospel is illegal in many parts of the world and Christians are still being put in jail for having a Bible in their possession or for gathering together in worship.

The underground church in a Muslim-dominated Asian country (cannot be named for security) is gaining traction and house churches have been meeting together and spreading the gospel to their communities.

New services are being created and many individuals have been blessed by the pastoral team in this country. Young adults and women’s ministries are also outreaching to the community and these services are expanding and supporting new Christians in their walk with God.

Leaders of the church in this country were persecuted and imprisoned in 2010. During ten months of incarceration, they were tortured with bright lights and the authorities tried to force them to denounce their faith, however, they remained strong by reciting God’s Word and meditating in prayer. Following release from prison, they were able to train overseas in ministry and then return to their country to become pastors in their local community.

Numerous house churches ranging from small congregations to communities with over 100 members have been active within this country. Recently 19 young individuals were baptised in the river by VOM-supported pastors; accepting Christ as their Lord and Saviour and being welcomed into the church community.

A pastor suffered from a stroke and thanks to God’s healing provision is slowly recovering. He was told that he would only live for months however it’s now been two years and he has regained movement in his hands and his hearing. We pray that he may receive healing of his legs so that he may walk again and continue to spread the Good News


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    Pray for them

    Pray the pastor will make a full recovery and soon will be able to walk again. Pray for pastors’ and church members’ safety and the safety of their families as Christians continue to be persecuted by authorities and continue to face imprisonment.

    Pray for borders between countries to remain open so that Christians can travel freely to safe bordering countries for safety and training and so that resources such as Bibles can be transported across borders.

    Pray for financial support to fund Bibles, upcoming ministries such as youth and women’s programmes and financial aid to provide practical support to communities to enable Christ’s love to reach those who are not a part of the church congregation through outreach programmes.

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