LAOS: Mother and Children Rejected for Faith

12 December 2023

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Sixty percent of Laotians consider themselves to be Buddhists, but most practise a syncretistic version of Buddhism mixed with tribal animism. Four percent are Christians.

Some in Laos, particularly those in government leadership, view Christianity as a foreign religion and a tool used by the West to undermine the communist Laotian regime. However, most believers are persecuted by family members or village authorities concerned that Christians offend the spirits.

When Inn’s uncle shared the gospel with his family in February 2022, Inn was the only one who accepted Christ. The village leaders threatened Inn and his parents, saying he would be forced out of school and jailed and the whole family would be evicted.

Inn sought refuge with front-line workers so that he could finish high school and grow in his faith. Inn stayed in touch with his family, sharing about Christ whenever he could. Those gospel seeds took root.

In January, Inn’s mother, Phin, and his two sisters accepted Christ. Village officials made daily threats, and Inn’s father persecuted them as well. In June, he threw Phin and her daughters out of the house. They found temporary homes with other Christians, and Phin works as a day labourer for food. Front-line workers are helping them with basic needs and building a permanent home. Inn is working now to help his mother and wants to be an evangelist.


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    Pray for them

    Praise God for revealing Himself to Inn. Thank Him too for the way He often saves families. Pray that Phin will have the blessing of seeing her husband come to Christ.

    Thank God for the assistance the family has received from other believers. Pray the Lord will bless Inn’s desire to become an evangelist.

    Pray for the wisdom and protection of front-line workers who boldly witness for Christ in Laos.

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