Vocational Training


Nigeria: Discipleship Care Training

This project shelters new Muslim background believers from danger, grounds them in their faith in Christ, and helps them start a new life, spiritually and practically. Our mission partners in Jos, pro...

EGYPT From the Field


EGYPT: From the Field

Laila is a Muslim background believer. She became a Christian two years ago and has not disclosed her new faith to her husband, children or extended family as she fears she would b...


VIETNAM: VOMedical Report from the Field

In rural areas of Vietnam, local authorities view Christianity as a foreign threat and often use discrimination, intimidation, property destruction, detentions, beatings and forced renunciations of fa...


EGYPT: VOMedical Report from the Field

In Egypt, we annually fund five mobile clinics that travel to different villages in Upper Egypt. In these areas, Christians, especially those with Muslim backgrounds, are greatly persecuted. Many atta...


PAKISTAN: VOMedical Report from the field

Many Christians in Pakistan suffer discrimination in education and employment; they live in Christian colonies or slums and struggle to provide for themselves and their families. Each year, an allocat...


PHILIPPINES: Your Impact Reports from the Field

Packs were distributed in North Cotabato, Sarangani, South Cotabato, Maguindanao, Lanao, Agusan del Norte, and Davao del Norte. Bibles, assorted food stuff, and mosquito nets were distributed. “W...


PAKISTAN: Your Impact Reports from the Field

This time we distributed Bible Plus packs in Darya Khan, Sialkot, Dingerwali, Kot, and surrounding areas. Packs were given to those who were living among Muslims and were suffering from being Christia...


IRAN: Your Impact Reports from the Field

Bibles Plus packages were given to Christian families who have been struggling with the pandemic and recent unrest in the country. Many of these families are being persecuted for their faith, losing t...


INDONESIA: Your Impact Reports from the Field

Packs were distributed to Christians in areas where they are a minority in Lombok, West Kalimantan, Bengkulu, and Papua. The packs contained a Bible, rice, noodles, oil, sugar, blankets, kitchenware (...

You can help Voice of the Martyrs

Christians face persecution in more than 60 countries. Today, with persecution against Christians greater than ever before, 
we continue Richard Wurmbrand’s mission to equip and support the persecuted church and act as their voice in the free world. 
Explore the different ways to get involved.