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Category: News


From the Field – Ministering to North Korean Defectors

Through their Underground University programme, our sister office in South Korea trains North Korean defectors to minister to other North Koreans, wherever they can be found. God Sends a Sp...


CUBA: Harsh Punishments for Christians by Cuban Authorities

More people fled Cuba in 2022 than ever before in the country’s 64-year history as a communist regime. According to United States government data, 250,000 Cubans, or two percent of the country’s p...


INDONESIA: Muslim Family Disrupts Christian Worship

In a village in East Java on Wednesday 8 May, the head of the Citizen Association in the Benowo area, along with his wife and son, stood outside a house church at about 7pm shouting for the 30 members...


CHINA: Authorities on High Alert for Evangelist’s Trial

The case of Chen Wensheng, who was charged with “organising and funding illegal gatherings,” was tried in the Hengyang City, Shigu District People’s Court on the morning of 18 April 2024. Severa...

burkina faso


BURKINA FASO: Church Elder Murdered

On 12 June Ibrahim Saidou was traveling to buy farm supplies when he decided to visit the church where he served as an elder. Ibrahim lived in an area of Burkina Faso where Islamic terrorist groups...


ALGERIA: Appeal Scheduled for Pastor Youssef Ourahmane

Pastor Youssef Ourahmane serves as the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA). Following a three-day gathering with a few Christian families in March 2023, he was charged with org...



VIETNAM: House Church Members Released

After one week in prison, three members of an independent Protestant house church in Vietnam have been released to their families and are now home. The three men, all related, were arbitrarily arre...


LIBYA: Imprisonment for Leaving Islam

Over three months ago, at least ten Libyan Christians were arrested for converting from Islam to Christianity. Two other believers, one from Nigeria and one from Pakistan, have also been arrested beca...


NEPAL: Hindu Monks Experience Peace in Christ

In Nepal, 84 percent of nationals are Hindus. Hinduism is more prominent in the south, along the Indian border, whereas Buddhism is more prominent in the north. There is a small, visible Christian com...


IRAN: Two Pastors Face New Charges

Friends of Yousef Nadarkhani and Abdolreza (Matthias) Haghnejad request prayer after the men were informed, they were required...


CHINA: Authorities Attempt to Frame Prominent Street Evangelist

Chinese street evangelist Chen Wensheng revealed that government agencies have deceived and intimidated his Christian friends. Authorities reportedly asked them to frame Chen. Unfortunately, some have...


NIGERIA: Eight-Month-Old Baby Among Victims in Suspected Fulani Attack

Suspected Fulani militants killed eight people, including an eight-month-old baby girl, last Sunday night in the Vwang District of Jos. The gunmen raided the village, shooting sporadically at the ...


PAKISTAN: Woman Killed for Refusing to Convert to Islam

A Christian widow and mother of three was abducted, raped, murdered, and doused with acid after she refused to convert to Islam and marry one of her abductors. Shazia Imran worked at LUMS Universi...


BHUTAN: JESUS Film Project Extends to the Unreached

In the kingdom of Bhutan, only a small minority — about 25,000 people — are Christians, and only about a quarter of the co...


INDONESIA: Residents Attempt to Shut Down Worship Service

Residents of Bekasi, Indonesia, attempted to disband a Christian worship service in their neighbourhood. In...


CHINA: Youth Fellowship Leaders Sentenced

At the end of June, the Hefei Christian Youth Fellowship informed fellow house churches that two of its leaders, Mu En and Wan...


UGANDA: Church Attack Leaves One Dead

Suspected Islamic extremists stormed Katikara Anglican Church in Kakumiro District, western Uganda, hacking a church member to death and leaving several others injured last Tuesday. Kamumiro Police...


INDIA: Anti-Conversion Law to be Repealed

In the state elections held in Karnataka on 10 May, the secular Indian National Congress party won a majority of seats over the former ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Moving quickly on election p...


ARABIAN PENINSULA: Convert to Christ Attacked, Brought to Court

Bassam committed his life to Christ; it enraged his Muslim wife. She couldn’t believe he had changed his religious beliefs as their country of residence is less than 1% Christian. She immediately...


BELARUS: Christian Man Fined for Sharing His Faith

On 1 June a musical group of Baptist believers arranged a performance on the streets of Drogichin in southwestern Belarus. In addition to providing uplifting music, the Christians shared their faith w...


INDIA: Pastor and His Family Detained on False Accusations

On 24 April, Pastor Kirubendran and his family were detained for allegedly conducting "forcible conversion" activities and "insulting religion". The pastor's wife, Manju, was released on bail in early...


NEPAL: From the Field

Eighty-four percent of Nepalis are Hindus. Families, communities, Marxist groups and Hindu groups pressure Christians, who also experience some government interference. Muslims and Buddhists also pers...


PAKISTAN: Christian Receives Death Sentence

A 22-year-old Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death for blasphemy on 30 May. Noman Masih was found guilty of blaspheming the Muslim prophet Mohammad because of pictures he was accused of distribu...


NIGERIA: Over 50,000 Christians Killed by Islamist Extremists Since 2009

A recent study has found that upwards of 52,250 Christians have been murdered in Nigeria since the Boko Haram Insurgency began nearly fourteen years ago. The investigative report entitled ‘Martyred ...


VIETNAM: From the Field

Vietnam has a repressive communist government that actively restricts Christian worship. In rural areas of Vietnam, local authorities view Christianity as a foreign threat and often use intimidation, ...


LIBYA: Six Christians Face Potential Death Penalties

Six Libyans may face the death penalty for converting to Christianity and encouraging others to do the same. The believers were charged under Article 207 of Libya's penal code, which punishes any a...


DRC: Ten Murdered in Latest Attack

Suspected terrorists killed ten people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) last week, according to the Agency French Press. “It all started around 8pm. We were surprised by the ADF [All...


BHUTAN: Christian Workers Deprived of Citizenship

In the kingdom of Bhutan, where Buddhism is regarded as the only acceptable religion. The king identifies himself as the defender of the Buddhist faith, and the government works covertly to discourage...


INDONESIA: Charge Reduced for Official Who Stopped Service

On 18 February, a local village official forced his way into a church service in the Indonesian village of Rajabasa Jaya and demanded that the Christians stop worshipping immediately. He claimed that ...


AFGHANISTAN: Front-Line Worker Requests Prayer for Christians and Taliban

Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, life for Christians is difficult. Most Afghan Christians fled, but some remained. “It is very challenging for normal Afghan people and very, ve...


CHINA: Five Christians Released on Bail

On 17 August, Public Security Bureau officers in China detained three Christian men; Wang Shunping, Nu Sangdeng and San Luobo, along with two Christian women, Hua Xiuxia and Dong Mengru on accusations...


PAKISTAN: Two Christian Teenagers Arrested on Blasphemy Charges

Two Christian teenagers, one of whom is a minor, were arrested on accusations of blasphemy in the Qurban Lines area of Lahore, Pakistan on 18 May. Adil Babar, aged 18, and his neighbour Simon Nade...


BELARUS: Seven Young Christians Fined

A court in Minsk has fined seven young Christians the equivalent of two months’ average wages each. The charges were laid against the believers as punishment for talking to others about the meaning ...


INDIA: Manipur Remains Tense Weeks after Riots

The north-eastern Indian state of Manipur remains in a tense state of unease weeks after a devastating spate of violence led to the deaths of at least 73 individuals, most of them Christians, and the ...


IRAN: Christian Convert Couple Acquitted

Iranian Christians are delighted that Homayoun Zhaveh and his wife Sara Ahmadi have been acquitted following a review of their sentences. On 9 May the Appeal Court in Tehran re...


GHANA: Young Man Disowned for Becoming a Christian

Ghana is a majority-Christian nation, but animistic beliefs are practised in some areas. As a boy, Noah was chosen by his father to take over as the family’s shaman (medium, sorcerer), responsibl...


NIGERIA: Leah Sharibu Spends Another Birthday in Nigerian Captivity

On Sunday 14 May, Leah Sharibu spent her 20th birthday the same way she spent the last six: in captivity. Leah was just 14 when she was kidnapped by Boko Haram along with 110 schoolgirls from the G...


PAKISTAN: Father of Kidnapped Child Murdered

On 4 April, we asked for prayer on behalf of a 12-year-old girl who had been kidnapped and, after being recovered, was placed in a women’s shelter rather than being returned to her father. Young ...


NIGERIA: Two Chibok Schoolgirls Rescued after Nine Years in Captivity

Two more Chibok schoolgirls have been rescued after more than nine years of captivity. The two survivors now in their 20s, Hauwa Maltha and Esther Marcus, were forced into marriage with the Boko Ha...


MEXICO: Front-line Workers Warned to Stop Evangelising

Mateo and Elena are church planters in Central Mexico. Their town is in a region known as the ‘Circle of Silence’, where Christians are routinely opposed by those who follow a syncretistic blen...


VIETNAM: From the Field

Brother Khan was the first Christian convert in one of the most restricted areas in a Central Highlands province. He accepted Christ approximately four years ago and subsequently led his family to ...


INDONESIA: Sharing the Gospel on the Front-lines

For more than two decades, a mission training school has been holding classes in evangelism and church planting. Through the work of the graduates, many churches have been planted. This year, 20 st...


AFGHANISTAN: Ministry Continues Amid Taliban Restrictions

On 15 August 2021, the Taliban – the radical Islamist military group, took control of Afghanistan. The impact on the small Afghan Christian community was immediate and severe. “It was just like...


IRAN: Retrial Ordered for Sara and Homayoun

Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh, a Christian couple who had been detained since last August, were informed on 9 April that their third application for a retrial was accepted by Iran...


NEPAL: Wife of Threatened Evangelist Suffering After Trauma

There is a small, visible Christian community in Nepal, but believers experience opposition from extremists among the Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Marxist groups.


INDONESIA: Two Christians Arrested

A Christian evangelist, Arif, was arrested earlier this month. He will be investigated for his role in ‘enticing’ Muslims to convert to another religion and harming the Muslim community. Arif, a m...


IRAQ: Christian Convicted for Misuse of a Telecommunication Device

Christians in Iraq request prayer for a convert from Islam serving a six-month prison sentence for blasphemy. Jagarkhuin Abdulrahman Ismael, known as ‘Jaga...


NIGERIA: Over 8,000 Christians Killed or Kidnapped Last Year

The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law recently released a report estimating that, in 2022 alone, over 5,000 Nigerian Christians were killed and over 3,000 we...


INDONESIA: Church Building Sealed

The process of establishing and leading a church in Indonesia can be onerous, particularly in areas controlled by militant Islamic groups or where there are few Christians.


NORTH CYPRUS: Pray for Today’s Hearing

On 23 March Ryan Keating is scheduled to appear in Iskele District Court on charges of illegally importing literature – the result of a joint police and customs raid on his home i...

INDONESIA From the Field – Pray for Kace, a Prisoner for Christ


INDONESIA: From the Field – Pray for Kace, a Prisoner for Christ

Muhammad Kace is a 56-year-old father of two and a grandfather to four grandchildren. He is a Christian YouTuber who was sentenced to prison in Indonesia, the country with the highest Muslim popula...

IRAN Youcef Nadarkhani Released


IRAN: Youcef Nadarkhani Released

In Iran Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was released last week from prison as part of a general amnesty, marking the 44th anniversary of the country’s Islamic revolution. He was one of ...

INDONESIA Official Stops Church Service


INDONESIA: Official Stops Church Service

A local village official in Indonesia stopped a church service on 19 February, demanding that the church discontinue meeting. While members of the Tabernacle of David Christian...

NORTH KOREA Pray for VOM’s Radio Ministry


NORTH KOREA: Pray for VOM’s Radio Ministry

The communist-inspired dictatorship of North Korea is founded upon Juche, a distinctly North Korean religious ideology that requires worship and subservience to the Kim family. Christianity is cons...

PAKISTAN Teenager Forcibly Married to 60-Year-Old Man


PAKISTAN: Teenager Forcibly Married to 60-Year-Old Man

Sitara Arif, a 15-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped on 15 December in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abducted by the husband of her employer, she was forcibly converted to Islam and then married to her...

NEPAL Teenager Follows Christ Despite Family Pressure


NEPAL: Teenager Follows Christ Despite Family Pressure

Himal Paudel, 15, grew up in a Hindu family. His aunt shared the gospel with him, and he placed his trust in Christ in September 2022. Himal’s family have applied significant pressure to stop him...

SRI LANKA Pastor’s Home, Church in Danger


SRI LANKA: Pastor’s Home, Church in Danger

When Pastor Ranjan of Naula, Sri Lanka, approached local authorities for a permit to build a worship place, they refused. He then built an extension on his house to serve as a place of Christian wo...

CHINA Imprisoned Pastor Highly Respected


CHINA: Imprisoned Pastor Highly Respected

In August 2022, Pastor Geng Zejun was sentenced to 15 months in prison for “organising illegal gatherings”. Despite opposition from Chinese Communist Party officials, the church led by Pastor G...

NEPAL Pastor Keshav Released on Bail


NEPAL: Pastor Keshav Released on Bail

Since March 2020, Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara has faced numerous allegations and charges. Initially charged with spreading false information about COVID-19...

BURKINA FASO From the Field – a Desperate Plea for Prayer


BURKINA FASO: From the Field – a Desperate Plea for Prayer

Burkina Faso has seen a sharp rise in Islamist activity since 2016. Militants linked to the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) and al-Qaida, who had been largely contained in neighbouring Mali an...

SRI LANKA Assault on Pastor Leads to Charges Against Him


SRI LANKA: Assault on Pastor Leads to Charges Against Him

On 21 September, Pastor Tony B of Anuradhapura province in Sri Lanka investigated a noise outside his gate and was assaulted by two men with a shovel, demanding that he stop his religious activities. ...

SOMALIA Islamist Violence Increasing


SOMALIA: Islamist Violence Increasing

The radical Islamic group al-Shabaab has increased its attacks in Somalia. Early in 2023, more than thirty people were killed, and several homes were burned after a car bombing in a small village nort...

NIGERIA Pastor Slain, Two Christians Killed in Delta


NIGERIA: Pastor Slain, Two Christians Killed in Delta

In northeast Nigeria, Pastor Jerry Hinjari of Christ Nation International was abducted from his home in Yola, Adamawa state around midnight on Wednesday 25 January, and his body was found on a roadsid...

PAKISTAN Evangelism Team Opposed, Threatened with Violence


PAKISTAN: Evangelism Team Opposed, Threatened with Violence

An evangelism team based in Peshawar, Pakistan, conducted outreach into many cities in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in the summer of 2022. Some of the materials distr...

DRC Church Bombing Kills 17


DRC: Church Bombing Kills 17

Suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels detonated a homemade improvised explosive device, killing at least 17 and injuring dozens more at a church in Kasindi, Eastern De...

NIGERIA Continued Militant Attacks, Threaten Upcoming Elections


NIGERIA: Continued Militant Attacks, Threaten Upcoming Elections

International observers are expressing concern that Nigeria’s upcoming presidential elections, scheduled for 25 February and followed by state elections on 11 March, may be de...

CHINA Verdict for Zhao Weikai


CHINA: Verdict for Zhao Weikai

Last month, we shared Li Xin’s appeal for prayer, requesting that the court hearing relating to the case of her husband, Zhao Weikai, would soon take place. At the time of tha...

INDIA Christians Singled Out in Government Survey


INDIA: Christians Singled Out in Government Survey

In Andhra Pradesh state, officials are conducting a survey to identify all Christians who have come from Hindu families, married a Hindu or are conducting Christian activities. ...

NEPAL Woman’s Witness Impacts Entire Village


NEPAL: Woman’s Witness Impacts Entire Village

Bimala Thokar came to faith in Christ in 2021 through the witness of her daughter. The Buddhist people of their Nepalese village disapproved of Bimala and her family becoming Ch...